Chapter 789 I hold you Mr.Gibson

Shayna quickly put her feet on the back of the seat and sat half-lying, while Calvin endured the pain and squatted on the ground.

The back held a small quilt and covered Calvin's body.

Shayna was behind and, with a bit of smudged make-up, she looked like a seriously ill person.

Melissa gave her a thumbs up.

After a while, their car was first in line for the check.

Sure enough, there was a group of people around, and it was ridiculous that the police were also standing on both sides.

Seeing this, Shayna immediately pretended to be seriously ill, half lying down, while Melissa hurriedly spilled her hair, and there were still a few tears in the corners of her eyes.

The officer knocked on the window a few times, and Murray rolled down the window and said lightly, "Hello sir."

"We have a routine inspection.Please cooperate."

The officer said as he shone a light into the car and the backseat.

"Please provide your driver's license."

Murray did so and after reviewing it, the officer asked, "What is your business tonight?"

"My sister is seriously ill and needs to be rushed to the hospital," Murray explained.

"Little sister, you hold on, you must hold on," Melissa cried as she turned around to look at Shayna.

raspily, "Murray, Murray,

"What's wrong with her?"


uttered the words lightly, his eyes full of

wish you well ma'am." the officer said

they were out of sight, Melissa

such a good actor?" Calvin

to sign on

provoked the

is already famous for the wrong reasons,"

heart, glanced at


one exit, after seeing that

to get back on the highway, coincidentally, there were also

did last time.Get

pulled up and was stopped by the police, who were

a police officer

get out

a while and didn't dare say anything.She gave Shayna a look in the

drug addict exposed in

he noticed


at the photo,

out her cell phone and compared the photo with Calvin.It was indeed the

where are you taking this

already know that the news report about Calvin was false.Why are

news of Calvin's drug use was exposed to have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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