Chapter 790 The Bottom Line

At this time, the police chief received the news and walked in directly.

When he saw Murray, he shook hands, "Mr.Gibson, why are you here?"

The police next to them looked at them blankly.

"Sir, your people brought me in, saying that I had drugs in my car."

Murray glared at the policeman fiercely.

"Ms.Eugen, you have been wronged, come with me."

The chief invited the two of them to the office, and the little policeman followed behind and did not leave.

Melissa briefly explained the ins and outs of things.

The police chief furious, "What on earth were you thinking? Mr.Gibson is our honorable guest.If it weren't for the Gibson family's contributions and donations to our entire city, there would be no police department."

Officer Xiao Li quickly apologized, "Mr.Gibson, I’m sorry, but your friend..."

"When the results come out, let's see if there are any drugs in his body." Melissa said pertinently.

Shayna got home and started thinking wildly.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt uneasy.She had just rescued Calvin and now he was arrested.

Why was everything so difficult? At this time, someone exposed a set of call recordings on the Internet.

The recording was ofShayna and the exposed reporter, but the recording had been doctored.

"Some people are starting to get overwhelmed again, and I'm a little worried about Shayna."

Melissa was afraid that she was doing something stupid by herself.


to be in a

the Internet


believing that she could not distinguish truth

If it weren't

you fall in love with such a person, you will be judged too, and your

company's public relations department.She asked them to find a way to remove the hot search, and send a

continued to

night until the next morning, when Calvin was released with

is no trace of drug use in Mr.Burton's body.As for the package of drugs, we did not find your fingerprints on the package and we tested the substance.It was just sugar.." the police

Calvin is a public figure, I need to use this test report to clear

and publish the statement to clear Calvin and Shayna's names.After this statement,

furious that

the public relations department to meet in the conference room, while Calvin and Murray were

put the test report on the table, "This is Calvin's drug test report, with the

can write a notice later to clarify the whole situation that this was a ploy from an unknown

want to continue the investigation of

"No need."

on our

very fast, and the statement was sent

thinking is clear, and the content

list of reports,

released it directly through the

result, Melissa contacted a few marketing accounts to start building momentum a This fermented matter that lasted for nearly ten days

public opinion of Melissa,

small number of people on the internet were still talking about

Finally, Melissa could relax.

Melissa patted Calvin on the shoulder, and then saw another hot search

was released by

the content was very brief, but now that the situation has improved, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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