Chapter 797 Ambiguous duo

After watching the person take the elevator, Melissa walked out of her hiding spot to see , that the elevator stopped on the top floor.

The familiar person was the woman from the flower shop: Lina.

Lina walked directly into Murray's office.

Melissa didn’t dare to go in rashly and only waited at the door.

Unfortunately, the office was soundproof, so she couldn't hear anything .

"Why are you here?" Murray asked as he saw her walk in.

"What's with the attitude? Aren't you happy to see me??" Lina said, sitting directly in front of him., "Probably not.You were really upset when I left.You still sore about that?"

Murray snorted, "You think too highly of yourself.How the hell did someone like you get into a government position?"

"You really haven't changed at all.I have already dismissed all the reporters from your company.You should take me out to dinner to thank me." Lina said coyly.

"Sure." Murray agreed.

Melissa was anxiously waiting when she heard movement.She quickly found a place to hide and watched Murray leave with Lina.

Melissa glared at them before waiting to call Murray.

"Where are you? It's late," she asked.

“I'm working overtime, and there’s something wrong with the company," Murray responded.

"Then, make sure you focus," Melissa said and hung up.

"Melissa followed Murray's car from the restaurant and back to Gibson Corporation.The process took three full hours.Melissa felt betrayed that Murray lied to her and was potentially cheating on her.

Melissa sat in her car, touching her belly and cried.

sitting on the sofa

noticed something

could ask, Melissa told her good night and

drafted an agreement

Day Early in the morning, Manager

noting that information

Manager Peter nodded quickly.

the upstairs tothe branch office and began

opinions of customers and questioned raising the

flipped through the documents on Manager

was useful.It was

is a bit low recently.Compared with last year, the company has already lost a lot, so I wanted to

doing things so

aware that some losses might be recovered by such methods, but the branch's purpose is to rely on its customers’ opinions and pay attention to them

suddenly learned that Manager Peter had some negative

the branch, Mr.Gibson, but I just feel like


weeks to find a solution.You will be given an assistant

want to extricate all the shadowy

I appreciate your


photo was none other than Mr.Marc.It

company, the secretary sorted out all the information of

is everything you

Manager Peter's assistant, and

can still trust the

to catch the big fish, you still have to

reporters, Murray let the

two days away from home, and when he arrived home, he

and thought that perhaps Melissa was planning a surprise for his

it caused

and found that the child was all right,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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