Chapter 798 Hidden Marriage Nonsense

On the set, during a break, Harley suddenly received a call.

"Harley, do you have time? We'd like to ask you out for a chat tonight."

Over the phone, Kasen Paul cut to the chase.

"Okay! I'll be there on time!"

Although Harley could not find Nina, he immediately agreed to the appointment when he learned that the second old man had returned from a foreign place.

At six o'clock in the evening, Harley rejected the reshoots for the evening, left the crew, and went straight to the restaurant.

On the way, he thought, maybe he could meet Nina.

However, when Harley arrived at the restaurant, he found only the parents of Nina sitting at the table..

After saying hello to each other simply, Harley just sat down and asked impatiently, "Why didn't Nina come? I've been worried about her these days."

Seeing Harley's agitated look, Kasen looked calm, or rather disdainful.

"My daughter is at home, She doesn't want to see you for the time being, so please don’t disturb her!"

Harley noticed the hostility, but was also relieved.

At Least now he knew that Nina was safe at her parents’ home.

Harley nodded awkwardly in agreement.

For three days, he searched all over the city, and it was not until this morning that he was urgently called to the set by the crew.

"Harley, we don’t expect you to be responsible for Nina.But, you need to explain yourself." Kasen Paul said firmly.

There was a lot of buzz around Harley and Sylvia right now, and it was going viral that they are secretly married.

Therefore, Kasen Paul asked Harley out to find out what was going on and resolve the matter if he could.

and asked in agreement: "We want to


there have been countless phone calls, and many media outlets waiting to interview a

a headache, and was powerless to refute the questioning of the

I never dated and we are not secretly

listening to Kasen Paul, he sneered and asked, "Since you can’t prove anything, then the pregnancy can't

two days but found no

will give Nina and you an account of

Ariana Paul was even more

We can’t wait

will not have your name.We want nothing to do with you and your disgraceful behavior.Then the old couple left angrily, leaving Harley alone

was Sylvia who made the pregnancy

a terrible situation that

Sylvia behind his back, and Harley

donned sunglasses to avoid being recognized

he should first speak with Sylvia, and only after clarifying the relationship between the two could they discuss

with money but was worried that Sylvia

way home, he had been thinking hard and reason that he could meet Sylvia in private to avoid

Harley walked into the

heard Carlee chatting on the sofa, he knew that the woman she

the audacity of his mother to bring Sylvia to

is she here?" Harley

lives here now," Carlee answered

home, so he could

stammered, "What...what did you say? She

this statement came out, Harley

here?" He asked incredulously, knowing

what's wrong with Sylvia moving

be well-behaved and sensible, and said in a gentle voice: "Harley, today’s filming

Sylvia and focused

at MY HOME? You didn't discuss this with me,"

guessed that he would object,

sofa, crossed her legs, and declared righteously, "Now that Sylvia has a child, we the Timothy family can't be irresponsible, so I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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