Chapter 799 Playing emotional cards with children

Sylvia nodded and asked softly, "Can I come in?."

Harley just wanted to talk to Sylvia alone, so she was allowed into his bedroom.

The two sat on each side, and Harley's attitude did not change, and he still looked angry..

"Just say what you want to say and then, get out."

Harley spoke indifferently, hoping that Sylvia had better be out out of his home tomorrow morning.

Looking at Harley’s cold eyes, Sylvia realized he had no feelings for her.

However, even so, it does not mean that she will surrender Harley to Nina.

Holding the air of a lady, Sylvia smiled, "Actually, Mrs.Burton didn’t mean to force you.She just thought that I was pregnant and had nowhere to go, so she brought me over to live temporarily."

"And?" Harley said.

Sylvia nodded affirmatively and said earnestly, "I know you don't like me, but the accident has already happened.I don’t ask for anything else, just ask you to be in this baby’s life.""

After saying this, she lowered her head deliberately, trying to win Harley's sympathy by pretending to be pitiful.

Even if Harley didn’t love her, he would never be cold- blooded to his own flesh and blood, right? Sylvia has already planned, in the next month, either the fake pregnancy would become a real pregnancy, or she would find a chance to fake a miscarriage.

The choice was dependent on how things developed next.

Harley saw straight through her act and was not in the mood to play games with her.

"I will consider this matter.Before I give you an answer, I have a question to ask you." Harley finally said.

Sylvia sat upright, waiting for him to continue.

"I want to know, what's your purpose in making your pregnancy public?"

of his mouth, "Did you think that if you put pressure on me, I

see that Harley was dissatisfied with the matter and

don't get me

to be innocent and

at first, but Mrs.Burton

it was planned by Sylvia,Carlee played a hand in this by persuading her to release the information.It would've have been released to the

order for the two to get married as soon as possible, Sylvia confessed in front of Carlee , saying that

believed it, so she let

more unhappy because the his mother and

live her.But, I want nothing to do

explained, Harley opened the bedroom door and said,"Now get out

felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over her

even the idea of a potential baby.She frowned slightly.She wanted to curse him, but kept her composure. immediately, Sylvia pursed her lips and

watched Sylvia leave his room and slammed the door

at the villa.He paced back and forth in the bedroom, suddenly desperate to see

hurried down the

the servant when she noticed

getting dark.Where

his mother’s intrusion on

responded,: "My friend asked me

didn’t wait for Carlee to react, and slammed the door behind him

the villa in his car, Harley stepped on the gas

jumping out of the car, Harley rushed to Nina’s

few days, and Harley was worried about her, especially

the courage and

from inside asking who was it at this time of night

so he bravely replied, "It's

dishes, wiped his hands and reminded the husband on the sofa

that Harley was outside the door, Kasen Paul put down the remote in his hand,

refused to open the door, maybe Harley would leave but if

reputation, he said, "Let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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