Chapter 803 Tom Warren’s friend

Nina was taken home by her parents that day, and she shut herself in her bedroom as usual.

In order to fill the monotonous days leading up to delivery, she entertained herself by reading books on parenting and shopping online for various baby products.

The majority of the time, Nina made an effort to not bring up Harley, and focus all of her attention on the upcoming birth of his child.

Ariana Paul was able to prepare a delicious and healthy meal for her daughter in the blink of an eye.

She hurriedly summoned Nina outside to eat before removing her apron.

“Nina, it’s time for dinner!”

Outside the door to the bedroom, Ariana Paul prompted her to slow down and reminded her not to rush when she was walking.

As Nina got out of her bed, she was startled by the sound of her phone ringing on the bedside table.

“Mom, I have to take a call, but you and dad can eat first.”

Nina quickly responded while concealing any negative feelings she might be having.

When she picked up the phone, she was surprised to see a series of numbers that she was not familiar with flashing on the screen. Nina was on the fence about picking up the phone and missed the call. Then, the number called again.

“Hello,” Nina spoke quietly, she wondered if Harley had intentionally changed his number.

But there was a woman’s voice on the other side of the phone.

The sound is unfamiliar and at the same time very friendly to. “Hello Ms. Paul. I’m a friend of Tom Warren, I don’t know when you’re free, but when you are, I’d like to ask you to meet.”

Recalling the last time he encountered a robber in an alley, it was Tom Warren who sent her to the hospital, Nina agreed without hesitation.

where shall we meet?”

curiosity, she

two agreed on a place

walked out of the bedroom, she saw that her mother was preparing a meal, and hurriedly stepped forward to explain, “Mom, I have to go out

to leave baffled

hurry to go out? At least

equally puzzled. He looked at Nina worried and asked, “Where are you going? Dad will

back in the afternoon at the


she finished explaining, she hurriedly opened the door and left

took a taxi to the previously

for the other

that she was Tom Warren’s friend.She came to

I didn’t realize you were pregnant. I would have arranged for us to meet in a different way,”

your name?” Nina

thin, and her appearance exudes a

able to

of Tom Warren,” the woman replied calmly to Nina, smiling

she realized the two

are…” Nina’s tone was tentative,

“I met with you because I wanted to tell you about his current

long wanted to know the answer

in his eyes, Nina inquired, “How is he doing now? Doesn’t he have

Nina’s complicated expression, Lily smiled slightly and asked, “Do you want

as he realized Lily appeared to be probing

since separated. Even if he has a new girlfriend, I

feels anything for Tom Warren; all that’s

has always loved you, even now.” “How could this be?” Nina stammered. She frowned

way of loving me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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