Chapter 804 The truth is so cruel

Nina was shocked.

It turned out that Tom Warren never abandoned her, never forgot her.

He has always loved her deeply.

Everything Tom Warren did was not not loving her, but loving her too much.

Nina never thought that the truth that Tom Warren wanted to break up with her was so cruel.

It’s because of her most respected parents!

They disliked Tom Warren’s origin, disliked his family background, and went to him to let him leave her.And Tom Warren, actually did it.

Why did he have to do something so stupid?He didn’t say anything, didn’t tell her anything, and he endured everything in silence.

“Where is Tom? I want to see him.” Nina took a deep breath, to calm her rapidly beating heart.

She wanted to see him, needed to see him!

There were some things she had to ask him personally.

Lily hesitated for a moment before saying, “Tom doesn’t know thatI came to you. If I tell you this, he will blame me, but I really can’tbear to see him suffer so much. He lives in 55 Dakou Lane. Go see him and talk some sense into him.”

“Thank you.” Nina said sincerely.

She was very thankfully that Lily told her.

Otherwise, Nina might have been kept in the dark for the rest of her life.

After leaving the cafe, she took a taxi and went straight to the address Lily gave her.

seeing Tom Warren again.She took a


But no one responded.

not at

time, no one opened the door,

thinking about it, Nina decided to wait here for Tom Warren to come

and wanted to ask what

from behind him,

she turned around, what caught her eye was

the grocery store. As he approached, he saw the figure at the gate that

disbelief, and walked a few steps to her, “Why are you

herself into Tom’s arms, and said with a

at the moment, why would Nina know that he lived

dropped the grocery bags in his


moment he should pretend to hate Nina as always, and drive her

a sad woman in front of him, seeing her pregnant belly and suffering

been heartbroken by Harley, she couldn’t

talk.” Tom Warren said, patting Nina’s back, his deep eyes fixed on her


Nina nodded, realizing her gaffe,

Warren, Nina

a very rundown little bungalow that had only a

Nina asked as she looked

smiled, “It’s fine

teach in the mountains of Los Angeles, the conditions there were thousands of times worse than they

the children there worked hard and studied hard

sit.” Tom Warren supported Nina and

Nina could smell his unique

was like being back in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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