Chapter 808 There must be a karma

“Melissa hasn't paid for our family for a long time. You got a wife that can’t even carry on the family lineage for our family. You help her start a company. A woman should not be so ambitious.” In fact, Mr. Marc didn’t want much. He just wanted grandchildren just for the sake of their descendants of the Gibson family.

“How did you know Melissa didn’t?” Murray asked.

Hearing this, Mr. Marc was a little surprised, and quickly asked him, “Are you saying that my granddaughter-in-law is pregnant?”

“Because of your antics, she is going to divorce, so you won't get your grandchild now,”.” Murray said firmly and left, slamming the door behind him.

Mr. Marc stood dumbfounded, processing Murray’s words It didn’t seem like he was lying. He couldn't help but smile.

Melissa begun to investigate the information provided by the private detective and realized the information was false. Lina and

Murray had no chance to know each other. Now thinking about it, Melissa found herself to be ridiculous for believing the private investigator so easily.

“Ms. Eugen, there is something I want to report to you.” An employee provided her with a newspaper. On the cover, it read: “The new leader is suspected of taking bribes and buying officials, and has been dismissed and investigated.”

Melissa saw the news with a smirk.

“You go and explain, and everything today will be handed over to the department manager.”

After the situation involving Lina was resolved, the general manager who was connected to her was turned over to the legal department. At the same time, the general manager of the branch provided his network of contacts within the branch, and both of them were investigated together.

After having to deal with a large number of parasites all day, Murray didn't feel any better as he looked at picture of Melissa on his table.

He tried to call Melissa, but no matter how many times he called, his calls went unanswered.

was a little anxious, and it seemed that Melissa was still blaming

was empty with no lights at all since Melissa had left. He

in the yard, looking at the huge house, Murray

of laughter in the distance,

that Jill’s small house was still lit. Through the glass,

right in and found no

be his own fantasy. He missed Melissa so

to the the house. He walked into the empty house, turned on the lights, and found Melissa

and the table was set

it, rubbed his eyes desperately, and asked tentatively, “Is that you?

him as she stood and walked up

“It's me!” Melissa responded.

so tightly that Melissa almost gasped for

“Take it easy...”

still upset with me?” Murray asked,

the wall, the picture she brought from the orphanage, and

at the person in the photo with a strange familiarity “How did you have

thought she had misunderstood again, and

will hide by your side and let you see me

She stuttered and couldn't

to marry me?”

asked her in disbelief.He hadn't seen

went to the orphanage last time, I saw this photo by chance and heard the dean tell me those stories, and then I remembered that my nickname was Lily. Because my mother was afraid that I would break my teeth by eating candy, she made me forget my nickname!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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