Chapter 809 Real Parents

It's not to manage such a large company.

“Mr. Gibson, if this is the case, the branch’s earnings this year will be counted down again.” The secretary stated, afraid that he had made a mistake and decided to ask back.

Murray chuckled and said, “Just do as I say. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, what matters is to be worthy of the hearts of the people.”

Ten minutes later, the statement was posted on the company’s official website, and the affected customers received compensation from the head office.

Due to his quick thinking, Murray was able to keep the customers from pulling out and stay with his company.

Originally, this incident should have caused the company's profits to decline for the whole year, but no one expected this from Murray. He instead pushed the branch to a climax, regained goodwill, and the stock also rose a lot.

This approach of Murray has directly become a model of in business, and many people have served, but none of them have the courage and financial resources of Murray.

This strategy of Murray's has directly become a model in the business world, and while many people have served as models, none of them have the courage or financial resources that Murray does.

In addition to this, the police informed Jill that they had located her biological parents and asked Jill to come to the station to verify this information.

After receiving the call, Melissa immediately hurried over there with Jill.

When Melissa and Jill arrived at the police station, two people dressed in clothes that were mostly clean rushed over.

They sobbed and sobbed while holding Melissa and saying, "We finally found you! We had no intention of deserting you in the first place.”

The two elderly people wept in an extremely heartbreaking manner, appeared to be in a pitiful state, and did not let go of Melissa's clothing.

for it, we were

their heads; instead, they just covered their eyes

mistaken,” she said in a hurry.

they looked up, they noticed Jill standing behind

themselves into Jill's arms

you. We feel terrible that this has happened to

embarrassed by the fact that they were crying, and it felt

two elderly people, and she

down first. Just because you say that doesn’t mean that we are related,” Jill

mean, child? We are your biological parents; don't you even want to recognize your biological parents?" The

one to remove the couple from the situation first, but as

elderly couple in sitting down while maintaining a composed

with a paternity test, so that everyone can relax?” Jill

related to each other by blood, Jill will finally be able to acknowledge

learned that they were going to carry out a paternity test, a shift could be

child, you are child. I gave birth to you in October.Even if I find you after 30 or 40 years, I will still I can recognize

a little strange when she

not that I don't want to recognize you, but I'm not sure if I am related to you. The only thing that can prove that we are

again about his determination to do a

that Jill was their child and refused to do

to her couldn't stand it any longer. “It's

was born,she was stolen. I have been a mother for more than 20 years. I finally found her and my own child doesn’t believe me.

and tears, telling of their hard work

in disbelief. There was something wrong in this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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