Chapter 816 The closest to you

Ling left the Dewar family with a smirk. She wasn’t going to do anything for them. It was against her principles to betray friends in this manner, and she would never do so.

The Dewar parents’ had spent so much money trying to find someone to investigate Melissa, but each time they were turned down.

At this point, they had become the city’s laughingstock.

Melissa has been busy designing dresses during this time, and her original work had been significantly delayed.

It’s just that one thing has been nagging at her for a long time, and she hadn’t been able to solve it.

When she turned on her computer and saw that someone was trying to hack into it, she set up a firewall.

Melissa figured that this may happen eventually, so she became an apprentice to a world-class master hacker, Anthony. She followed his instructions carefully and was able to keep the hacker from taking control of her computer.

Anthony could assist with the school investigation, Melissa thought. She went through her contacts list until she found an unfamiliar number, assuming it was Anthony. Melissa called the phone and heard a sharp sound. She grimaced, but then the line picked up.

“There is one thing I’d like to ask you to look into,” Melissa said.

She informed Anthony of the situation and asked him to investigate. Melissa didn’t have the time to investigate the school herself because she had a dress to design.

Melissa was concentrating on designing the dress herself, drawing one design after another, but she wasn’t satisfied.

she desired to make would surpass the boundaries of the world, and it would

her a worried look and encouraged her to participate in more activities instead of focusing solely on the

is my second time

on the dress design, Melissa created a blueprint that she was proud of. In that time, Anthony sent email of

the school has harsh punishments for students. Anthony had found video evidence. Melissa couldn’t help but stare

and education department anonymously. She didn’t want to risk

the announcement before browsing the school’s official website. She was happy that she stumbled across the situation. Melissa didn’t want to imagine what other atrocities could

closed for investigation for abused and tortured students. The students were relocated. Melissa was

news on his

you don’t need that much power to get the job done.” Murray didn’t know why he was surprised. His wife was

had been modified, and all she needed to do now was get

enjoyed making clothes, but she had been feeling a little dizzy recently, most likely due to the

of everything she needed and

on the bed with her eyes tightly shut. She hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in

ran into her room just as

You have to see the flowers in the backyard!” Jill said excitedly. Melissa looked up at Jill and wanted to

of destroying Jill’s good mood and allowed Jill to drag her out of bed to the

the backyard. She wanted the backyard to be filled with

you were doing this?” Melissa

yard, and it is impossible for


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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