Chapter 817 Come to an agreement

Hearing this Melissa’s heart warmed.

Melissa asked her assistant to send the dress over to the princess. The princess photographed the gown and hung it in her house. Word had spread that the designer Loe Studio was active again. New designers were surprised as they had only heard rumors about Loe Studio, but they had never met this person.

Melissa was frantically answering phone calls from reporters. She couldn’t take it anymore and threw the phone at Murray. Melissa didn’t want to face this alone. When a reporter called, it was usually her assistant who handled the situation, but even the assistant was getting bombarded.

Melissa enjoyed creating dresses. She enjoyed the design process, but she didn’t like the publicity that came with it. Murray, on the other hand, excels at managing the PR aspect of being an influential figure. After all, he is the CEO of a company and oversees several projects.

Melissa just wanted to rest after finishing the design this time.

Mrs. Gibson, Murray’s mother, was becoming increasingly restless because Melissa and Murray seemed to be in the news every day.

Why was Murray with such a troublesome woman? Mrs. Gibson had a solution to this issue.

When Mrs. Gibson learned that Adela was also visiting the same state Murray lived in, she directed her housekeeper to do her best to locate Adela’s phone number.

“Hello Adela, this is Murray’s mother,” Mrs. Gibson said with dignity.

of the phone was both surprised and

say something.” Mrs. Gibson said, not

you have time, let’s grab a cup of

you,” Adela said

hostile to me, especially

you,” Adela, on

became enraged and began banging on

care about you. If you have such a disrespectful manner, you were never

Mrs. Gibson called Adela

work something out; I’ll see you at the

after a long period of silence on the other end of the phone. Mrs.

be interested in giving her another chance. Maybe then Melissa wouldn’t be

at the appointed location. She located a quiet place to wait and Adela lingered for two hours before

sat down without looking at Mrs. Gibson. She had on sunglasses so no one would

what do you want?”

Gibson provided her with an envelope of money and papers. She said, “I should be able to fulfill whatever with you have as long as you cooperate well and the two of us work

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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