Chapter 832 To Teach a Fish How to Swim

“Tell us about your relationship with Murray.”

Murray kept her personal life private, so many people were interested in knowing more about him. This was exactly what

Adela’s employer wanted. When people wanted something, they would do anything for it.

“When I have reached 16,000 hearts, I’ll explain everything,” Adela said. One heart amounted to $1.

Adela almost instantaneously received 80,000 hearts.

This was the only time since the establishment of their company that the number of live broadcasters has the largest number.

The assistant quickly called, the boss and other streamers, everyone was watching Adela.

“I know that you are very interested in my business, and I also know that it is not easy for me to be in this position. Murray and I were childhood sweethearts. Later, due to some trivial things, our two families ruined our relationship.”

These things that Adela said were true to an extent but she was distorting the truth to keep it engaging.

“Everyone knows that Murray’s company is very powerful. No one can compete with him.At a time of the financial crisis, in order to expand his r power, he bought our company, which made us bankrupt overnight. ”

Adela continued vigorously.

“In the end, I was driven out of state to start over. I wanted to do something for my family. I didn’t expect it to be like this, and I was very regretful, so I decided to take revenge on Melissa!”

Adela’s grand display, the people watching were still skeptical. It didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t she want to go

between you

I am sure this was very stressful on

such a horrible person. I can see why Murray wouldn’t want to be

more on Melissa being an innocent

Adela even

decided to fabricate a story about

she saw the live broadcast

clicked on it and saw that the

is finally making money, Melissa thought until she heard what Adela was saying. Not a single word out of her mouth was true and

she didn’t learn her lesson from before.” Melissa said, shaking her head

does she think she is trying to ruin your image like that?” Jill stated angrily. Jill was a person of vengeance. Seeing

She knew that Adela couldn’t afford another scandal but she was asking for it at this point.Jill’s work was not so busy during this time. She closed the

into Melissa’s office as soon

this kind of news?” the PRmanager asked

wants. If she wants to slander me, she can. I’ll let legal handle

were sitting in the office watching the live broadcast

more energetic as time went on as she told more and

that Melissa will sue you for slander?” The viewers weren’t

this matter. I have

one hour and the

the broadcast, the boss and many

expect you to get these kind of results so soon.” The boss was even more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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