Chapter 833 No Way to Escape

“Think about it for yourself, how should you solve this?”

The boss left the venue angrily, and when he walked to the first floor, he saw a man in a suit and leather shoes in the living room.

“Boss, this person wants to see you.”

This person was Melissa’s apprentice Anthony.

“Who are you? Do I know you?” the boss asked directly.

Anthony made a gesture of invitation, “You have received both letters, I don’t think I need to say more.”

Only then did the boss understand that Melissa wanted to make Adela pay at all costs. Anyone who dared to hold Adela would be against her.

“Our company doesn’t have too much involvement with Melissa. Even if our streamer said some inappropriate words, it’s just an online platform.” The boss said.

Anthony snorted coldly, “Since you are so persistent, what am I talking about?”

“You said that this is an online platform, and it has no influence on Melissa. I forgot to introduce myself just now. I am Anthony.”

The boss immediately searched the Internet and found nothing about Anthony. What he didn’t know was that Anthony was a top hacker. Anthony erased his online footprint a long time ago.

“Do you think you can fool me into chatting with just a random person?” The boss obviously didn’t like this.

Anthony had expected this for a long time. He turned on his portable computer and entered a string of URLS at random. It showed multiple broadcasts of Adela with the company’s name in the background.

no time, I can hack your company and make each one


at random, and the account

come I don’t have

not only that she didn’t have a penny in the

has to

the boss watched from the

then I’ll take the

respond, Anthony once again

there no live broadcast channel?” Another streamer also came out of

the boss suddenly realize, and quickly

tell me earlier what Melissa wants to do.”

just want to tell you that if you continue to protect Adela and let her talk freely on the Internet, then I’ll continue destroying your streamers until

“I understand.”

memories that he finally worked hard for

refrained from betting all

me a promise?” Mr.

“What?” Anthony enquired.

back? Adela has nothing to do with those streamers,”

follow my instructions. Here is my business card. I’ll restore the

wasn’t worth the effort, despite Mr. Doyle’s initial expectations that she would

a hurry, Mr. Doyle threw open the door. In order to access a drawer, he went to his desk. She received a

it and get out. Our contract is null and void,” Mr.

spook you like this. Don’t you have a legal department to deal

hear an explanation from Mr. Doyle. She was ejected when he made a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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