Chapter 834 Backstage Manipulator

Adela thought it was a nice idea when she saw this remark, so she started to grab the tool and first took off the pad from her nose, revealing her real nose.

“This is how I actually look, look at me,” Adela said.

These people’s demands are increasing in excess as their level of dissatisfaction rises.

The audience in the following live broadcast room grew as well. Adela started tearing down other aspects of herself as soon as she sensed optimism.

She was still at risk as she did not use expert methods and the assistance of medical professionals.

When Adela simply took the gauze off her nose, she experienced some vertigo.

Adela felt pain all throughout her body after removing the object from her lips, and she was unable to open her mouth.

She continued to accept the agony while still interacting with her followers.

The fans that watched didn’t believe she was in pain.

“She’s so unattractive. I see why she needed to have plastic surgery,”

“She can’t even compare to Melissa,”

She was neither being praised by those below her nor is she being praised for her modesty.

In its place, more and more people reprimanded her.

Adela’s face also started to hurt more and more. “Call me an ambulance,” she managed to say while lying flat on the ground and feeling uneasy all over.

Fans ignored her because they assumed she was faking it.

and fainted

the viewers of the live broadcast room recognized that she

one assisted Adela in

the room, they found Adela still unconscious on the floor. They called 911 and Adela was quickly

also received the same

stood in Melissa’s path, saying, “You can’t go. I’ll

how Adela committed suicide, but Jill said,

went to the hospital to check on Adela. All she could see were her eyes because her face

see her in

but taunt her, “This is

moan as she could

said as she approached her. “Why don’t I begin a live broadcast

to do?”

let you know that you no longer have any money to

see Adela in this position. She wouldn’t be running her mouth for a very

home scrolling

in just two months requires a

competition caught Anthony’s eye,

be aware of his advantages and understand that no one

previous four days in anticipation of

about it, not even when he got in touch

to visit Melissa’s and personally

down the opposing team’s computer system in the quickest amount

system was brought down in less than five minutes thanks to Anthony’s

it went smoothly and

were reservations when this trophy was given to

he easily take first place? I think he

by none

defend himself because there was nothing to defend.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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