Chapter 839 Frame

Sylvia woke up dazedly to hear Carlee talking to the servant outside the door.

“Mrs. Barns, remember to buy more food when you go out. The more nutritious the better, and the more abundant the ingredients, the better.”

“Also, if Mr. Timothy wakes up, remember to remind him not to go out. I’ll take them for a wedding photo shoot today.”

Sylvia was overjoyed when she learned about Carlee’s arrangement.

It’s good to have her forcing Harley Timothy to marry, but the baby in the womb is always a big problem.

Right now, Sylvia is eager to deceive Carlee. Only by avoiding going to the hospital for a pregnancy test can she continue to hide the truth of the fake pregnancy.

“Mrs. Timothy…”

She called softly, and Carlee heard the voice and walked in quickly.

“Sylvia, you woke up, how are you feeling today?”

Carlee walked into the bedroom with a smile, and looked at Sylvia as soon as she entered.

Sylvia smiled and said, “I feel much better, thank you Mrs. Timothy for your concern.”

The room was full of sunlight, and in the morning light, Sylvia’s cheeks were rosy and shiny.

“Well, it’s not bad. After a night’s rest, the color is much better.”

Carlee looked relieved

Last night she spent the whole night worrying about Sylvia’s miscarrying when she was less than three months pregnant.

“Yeah, my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore, Mrs. Timothy don’t worry. I want to go out for a walk after breakfast.”


back in embarrassment: “Harlery

already said it last night, between me and Nina, he must

Harley wants to, I naturally have no

eyes shyly, with

with this obedient

with Sylvia and couldn’t wait to wake

the chat software. In the past,

two friends asking them to find out the whereabouts of

in her mind that once there was news of Nina, she would

miscarriage to protect herself

Nina even

to find Carlee, just out

a casual outfit for going

I won’t marry Sylvia. What’s the matter with

Carlee tried her best, and aggressively asked: “You refuse to marry Sylvia, what will happen

had thought about it, but even the baby was his, Harley was

Sylvia to

responded before brushing Carlee out of his way

was going to chase after Harley

it Mrs. Timothy. Since Harley doesn’t agree,

again used complacency to resolve the argument between

was waiting for the whereabouts of Nina and was not in

Carlee accompanied Sylvia for a walk, chatting

was listening, as usual, she suddenly received

found it. Nina is currently with her ex-boyfriend. I will send you the location I found!” Knowing the whereabouts of

front of Carlee, she

Nina’s relationship with her ex- boyfriend, and Sylvia needed to make

to the bathroom, wait

then be careful yourself.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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