Chapter 840 News from Nina

“Tom, why are you being so nice to me?”

Nina looked sad, knowing that the two could never go back to the past.

Even though she lives in Tom’s rental house, she just wants to escape from her family and the entanglement of Harley.

Finding that Nina began to be sentimental again, Tom gradually got used to her Melissa mood in the past few days, and at the same time felt more distressed for her.

“Fool, I should treat you well.”

Tom’s voice is very gentle, picking up the spoon and feeding Nina himself.

But when he saw that the ingredients in the bowl were cheap, he felt wronged Nina.

“It’s my fault. You are about to have a baby, but you can only eat these things.”

Tom smiled apologetically, shook his head and sighed: “Actually, I want to buy bird’s nest for you, but I found out that the price is too expensive. I want to save the money and use it in the hospital.”

Hearing his tone full of remorse, Nina was even more embarrassed.

The person who should be taking care of her should be Harley, but now it was Tom’s responsibility.

“It’s okay, it’s all the same to me.”

Nina smiled tenderly, and agreed to everything he wanted. She ate any nutritional meal he wanted. Luckily, Tom cooked very well.

Despite this, Tom still felt ashamed, especially seeing Nina’s thin body, thinking about how to make her fatter.

“Okay, then you lie down and rest first, and I’ll go out to buy more food.”

He didn’t have much money in his pocket, but for the sake of Nina’s body, he still planned to buy her some nutritious food.

Leaving the rental house, Tom was thinking about whether to buy a fish or a pound of beef at night.

the voice of Nina came

you go out without your

around, looking at Nina’s potbellied

her cheeks are not

forgot to take it when I charged it

took the phone and stuffed it in

my pocket. Now you can’t walk easily, so you don’t need

I think it’s more necessary

one noticed that there was a man staring

shutter, the man snaps a few close-ups, which he quickly

Nina back to the rental

after, Tom returned home with a large bag of vegetables and fish.He was going to make a fish soup for Nina in the evening, and then

improve the

door excitedly. He put the shopping bag on the table and was about to wash some fruit to send to


ran into the bathroom to find

you? Is your stomach

speak. She is sweating all over her face and panting, explaining: “Before you came back, I

didn’t dare to move Nina easily, clenched her hand and suggested,

is not full term

his teeth and insisted on the request: “You help me up first, I want to go to the bed and lie

then hold my

Nina was underweight, Tom had difficulty lifting a pregnant woman

Nina to lie down on the bed, Tom watched

future, unless I am at home, don’t walk around casually, even if you

uneasy, the false alarm

you accompany me to the hospital for a checkup this afternoon? I’m afraid that

I’ll cook a bowl of food for you to

hurry, and immediately ran to the kitchen to start

the afternoon, Nina took a short rest after eating, and

the crew to leave indefinitely.He pushed back countless announcements and advertising cooperation, just to find

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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