Chapter 842 Twins

Seeing Jill’s shocked look, Melissa patted her on the head.

“Where is my apprentice?”

“Still at home, he feels sorry for you for what he did, so he is reflecting on it.”

The Murray company was also being bombarded by Melissa’s fans.

Many Melissa fans came here, and they deliberately checked the information about Melissa on the Internet.

Everyone originally thought that she was just a little girl from a small family, but she didn’t expect to be such a powerful person.

Originally, Murray was very busy with his work today. After Melissa issued a statement, multiple contracts came in for him.

Even these partners did not ask about the details of the cooperation at all, but began to care about his love life with Melissa.

“Murray, we all believe in you, and even more in the benefits, you have brought us. You can do it with confidence. We all support you.”

Even those who originally signed three-month probationary contracts rushed over to renew Murray.

“There are reporters downstairs waiting for you to come down,” his assistant said.

Murray’s mouth curled into a slight smile, and he knew that

Melissa would push it all on him.

For example, if someone asks about Melissa, she will definitely tell her security and go directly to Murray for the result.

saw a huge crowd of fans

it very clear in the company documents

and fans away in

Melissa and Jill sitting leisurely on rattan

to the computer and asked

to me.” Anthony has always wanted to solve this problem by himself, but now it

it unnecessary, anyway, you are both master hackers, isn’t

nodded silently beside

this matter to heart. I’ll see what the organizers want to do when

was remorseful and somewhat

today…” Murray began to complain as soon as he entered the

the side, “Your wife sent all the fans to you since you are good at handling unexpected surprises.” Murray said nothing, but stepped


months old. This child seemed to be

the doctor’s office, Melissa voiced his

doctor took Melissa’s pulse first and then looked at the examination he did.

you’re pregnant

shocked the

is it a

her, “This shows two fetal heartbeats, which means there are

grinned from ear to

what do we need to pay attention to?” Murray

forward, your wife must be careful. No overexerting herself and no stressful situations.” The doctor’s words gave them a sedative. After leaving the hospital, Murray pushed the wheelchair, pushed it next to the car, and

behavior “You don’t

with the other hand, stroking

matter. Don’t go to the company in the future, just stay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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