Chapter 848 Emergencies

Harley strode to the bedside, he grabbed Nina’s arm so hard that Nina winced in pain.

“You answer me first. Am I the father? Have you been lying to me this whole time?”

At this time, Harley was swept away by anger and felt heartbroken at the same time.

For a long time, he has had 100% trust in Nina, even at the risk of quarreling with his mother.

In the past few days, he had searched the city all over, just to bring Nina back to his side.

Harley been mentally preparing to stop communicating with his mother just to be with Nina.

Now Nina refused to give a definite answer, which collapsed his belief and hope at the same time.

But Nina was fed up with Harley. He had insulted her one too many times. The more Harley wants to know the truth, the more she refuses to tell the truth.

“It doesn’t matter now. I’m the child’s mother. If you doubt me so much, you can get a paternity test when the baby is born,” Nina snapped, finally yanking her arm free. She then pointed to the door and said coldly, “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. I don’t want to see you anymore. Please leave immediately or I’ll call security.”

Harley was about to continue to badger Nina to reveal the child’s biological father, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back.

Immediately afterward, Harley’s center of gravity was unstable, and Tom grabbed the collar and dragged him to the door.

away! Stop bothering Nina!” Tom warned as he dragged Harley out of the room. “Now Nina is showing signs

should pay the price is

as a public figure,

punch causing Tom to slam into

other patients’ family members not far away were terrified, but no one dared

louder, and Nina, knew they were fighting. She hurriedly put on her shoes

stop!” Nina shouted in pain. She wanted to go over and stop them, but she was worried that

him, but unfortunately, it didn’t work. Unfortunately, two or

about to step forward and pull the two away, but her stomach

“Ah…my baby!”

when the severe pain came, she

Harley and

to Nina’s side at the same time,

and seeing a pool of blood slowly flowing out of her,

is going to give birth

immediately arranged for the nurse to prepare for

room, Harley rubbed his palms anxiously, and Tom was pacing back and forth not far

to fight anymore, all their attention was

a nurse come out of the delivery room and immediately grabbed her and asked worriedly, “How is my wife? Is she in danger? Has the child been born yet?” Although the two have never

and replied helplessly, “She is in a medically induced coma. You need to wait. I will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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