Chapter 847 You are not qualified to drive me away

“Tom, my stomach hurts again!” Nina exclaimed.

She hunched over her, holding her stomach in pain.

Tom squatted down and asked, “Is the pain so bad? Just bear with me, shall I go to the nurse?”

At this time, Nina’s forehead was covered with thin sweat, her breathing was rapid, and she labored to respond. “Yes, please,” she managed to say.

Immediately Tom hurriedly called the nurse over.

The nurse briefly checked Nina’s condition and found that her uterine contractions were severe, and immediately took her to be checked.

After the doctor’s diagnosis, Nina was currently showing signs of premature birth, but because the fetus was only six months old, the doctor recommended hospitalization for observation.

During this time, Tom became very busy, first helping Nina go through the hospitalization procedures, and then accompanying her into the ward.

Considering that Nina is emotionally unstable now, he took out his savings and put her in an advanced care ward.

After settling in, Nina’s contractions eased, and the analgesia disappeared temporarily.

But according to the doctor’s advice, the child may be born prematurely at any time, and she must stay in the hospital until the delivery.

“I’m sorry Tom, I’ve troubled you again…” Nina apologized and motioned to the cabinet beside the hospital bed. “Help me get the leather bag.”

She explained to Tom, “I will give you the card. You go to the ATM and take out what I need. I know that hospitalization will cost a lot of money.”

But Tom refused, with a bit of anger in his words. “I also have savings myself, and I don’t need to withdraw your money. Can you not believe in me?”


Nina showed embarrassment.

her and therefore did

not worry about money. Besides, I’m

Nina’s words, took her hand, and comforted her. “You just rest

when the child is born, I will

quietly, loneliness and helplessness lingering in her

churn at the thought of his child’s father being Harley. It caused her to go into

Tom was by her side as he had slept

“Good morning, Nina!”

asked pleasantly, “What do you want to eat? I’ll buy it

uncomfortable. She bit her lips lightly, and after thinking about it, she replied: “Oatmeal is

you water and wash

did not advise Nina to get out of bed and move around,


eat oatmeal, he still bought fruit and some breakfast

of Nina’s room. Tom ignored it while he fed prepared

finally found

Nina could eat,

Harley while Tom glared at him in

saw Tom feeding Nina, yelled, “Who are you?

this man was Nina’s ex-boyfriend, and

is my

sit by Nina’s side but he was stopped

do with you. Why don’t you understand that? Stop pestering her,” Tom firmly stated as he loomed over Harley. His

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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