Chapter 850 A false alarm

“My daughter is in labor?”

Ariana’s legs went weak instantly after hearing this, but fortunately, Melissa supported her in time.

Others were also worried, surrounding the nurse and asking questions.

Finally, after unanimous consultation, to protect the safety of Nina, Kasen personally signed the waiver.

What followed was a long, heart-wrenching wait, during which The Paul couple kept outside the delivery room, staring intently at the door.

Harley and Tom had their own concerns, the two still maintain a distance of a few meters, and the two sides glance at each other from time to time.

Melissa was also anxious, praying for the safety of Nina and her child.

Another hour later, just as the old couple was becoming exhausted from waiting, suddenly a baby’s cry could be heard from the delivery room.

“Oh! Did you hear that?” Kasen exclaimed.

“I heard it! It must be Nina’s baby!”

Ariana was also full of joy, but immediately became a little worried, “What about Nina? When will they come out and speak with us?” Hearing that the old couple was excited to enter the delivery room, Melissa stepped forward to persuade them.

“Mr. and Mrs. Paul, let’s wait patiently. Since the baby is born safely, Nina will be fine too.”

Hearing the conversation in front of him, Harley couldn’t contain the ecstasy in his heart.

He strode over, but before he took a few steps, he found that Tom was faster than him.

are you doing?” Harley asked, blocking Tom from

the delivery room. He smiled disapprovingly, pushed Harley’s hand away,

brushed past the speechless

nurse came out of the delivery

“Congratulations, it’s a girl!”

child was born safely, a group of people in the corridor were

with joy as the two

relieved smile appeared on Tom and Melissa’s

is the mother? How is Nina?” Melissa

being sutured as we speak.”

first time and couldn’t wait

urgency of the old couple, the nurse patiently explained to them, “Because she is premature, she will be in an incubator

take for my granddaughter to come

it’s a premature birth, will there

the nurse continued to answer their questions until they

Nina was pushed out of the delivery room, still in a groggy

he ran over

am so happy you’re okay.

the sentence

anger on his face, Kasen warned sharply, “My daughter and my granddaughter will have

helplessly and pleaded, “I know you hate me, but I am the

many children that grow up without their biological fathers,” Kasen

we will name the child with her. The child will

when he heard that his

choice but to watch Kasen and Ariana walk away

in the corridor,

that you are not welcome here either. How sad,” Tom

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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