Chapter 851 Confidential

“Whew!” Harley breathed as he walked into the living room, flinging his bag on a nearby cushion and slumping down beside it. His shoes seemed to have grown tighter and were hurting his feet so he bent slightly and kicked them off unconcernedly.

What a day it had been! He leaned back, setting his legs on the center table while his mind drifted to the events of the day, the most important to them; the birth of his son. He knew the news that he was going to be a bee father was supposed to make him glad, but right now his emotions were in a bit of a fix and he didn’t know what to make of the situation.

A tired man is a restless man, they say, at least his mother says. With this adage in mind, he rose to his feet. Perhaps if he could take a quick shower and change into a fresh set of clothes, his mind would be at rest and he’ll be able to figure out how he truly felt about his newborn.

It was a bit of a struggle, but he successfully stood up and dragged his legs up the stairs only to be stopped in his tracks by his mother; Carlee, who was just emerging from his bedroom with an unusual look on her face like she had been snooping around his things. He was too tired to think about exchanging words with her so he sighed and tried to walk away only to be stopped by Mrs. Carlee once more.

“Where were you throughout today,” she snapped, leaving him no time to reply before she continued. “You left the house in the morning and you only cared to come back late in the evening. We both know you didn’t go to work so where were you?

Harley remained silent but his mother didn’t give you that easily. She kept pestering her for an answer that to get her to let him be, he replied with a simple: “I had something that kept me busy during the day.”

“You had something to do?” Mrs. Carlee repeated, scoffing and drawing a photograph from her coat pocket. “And may I know what you were up to in town? Because here is a picture of you with Nina captured by a reporter I had tipped off to keep eyes on you.”

Harley bowed his head and sighed, cursing silently, before raising his head once more to meet his mother’s concerned eyes. A little bit of white hair has begun to sprout on the edges of her hair. She was beginning to grow old.

His father Reid Timothy, had died of a protracted illness many years ago, leaving behind him and his mother. With a huge source of the family’s income cut off, Carlee had raised Harley with her family’s foundation and generous dowry. Harley would sometimes catch her crying by herself in the kitchen but most of the time, she showed herself to be a strong woman that struggled to provide all the necessities for her son. She also had high expectations for her son. No wonder when Harley became a traffic star in the entertainment industry, she regarded him with so much pride.

But since Nina appeared in the life of Harley, she began to notice that her son’s personality was beginning to change and his focus was beginning to shift from his career to his lover. Carlee feared that all she had laboured to help her son build would be reduced to rubbles and that was why with time, she harboured hatred in her heart for Nina. And instead, she preferred her son to tie the knot with Sylvia who she observed to be supportive, obedient and more suitable to be the Timothy family’s daughter-in-law.

Seeing that Harley was silent, Carlee began fuming. “Don’t just stand there and stare! Answer the damn question!’

mother, chuckled softly making Carlee’s brows knit in confusion.

chided herself as

the fact that her only son had gone out of control. Angrier than before, she walked up to the door and after barging in, yelled, “What kind of attitude is that girl making you

out before walking over. She sensed that

what’s going on? Harley just

asked him what he did during the day, and he walked

went on Harley, and she began to try talking

about you, why would you

have the opportunity to keep herself in Mrs. Carlee’s good light and provoke greater hatred of Nina in the older

Sylvia rolled her eyes and asked slyly, “Harley,

none of your business,” Harley spat, without sparing her as much as

gritted her teeth and complained to Sylvia: “Now you see? He comes home every day with this attitude like we all

and aggressively asked, “Tell me where she lives with her

his mother so he detached his hand from his mother’s grasp as he

could hear his mother’s loud yells from outside the door, but he wasn’t ready to spill the truth just yet. He knew that the premature birth of Nina must not be told to his mother, otherwise he wouldn’t

morning, Harley got up early. He wanted

so he woke up as early as possible so he could leave the house before dawn and get to the hospital. On arrival,

chatter coming from the room,

the wooden door, Nina was lying weakly on the hospital bed. She looked at Melissa who was sitting

I gave birth to a daughter, but unfortunately I

the baby for you. Although she is still very young, she has clear eyes and beautiful eyes. She will be a beautiful embryo in the future,” Melissa said, taking Nina’s hand in hers with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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