Chapter 853 Weirdness in the Kitchen

Having been humiliated by the old couple, again and again, Tom stood in the corridor without saying a word. He didn’t expect that after so long, even if Nina was betrayed by Harley and gave birth to a child, they still couldn’t accept him as the right one for their daughter. To rub more salt on his wounds, Harley stood there humming and pretending to take pity on him.

“Mr. Warren, if you want what’s best for yourself, I would suggest you steer clear of Nina in the future.” Leaving Ton Warren meditating on this advice, Harley headed towards the elevator.

He thought he had won it all and was just a few yards away from stepping into the elevator when a warm substance got splashed on his head, subsequently trickling down his face and soiling his clothes. He turned round sharply only to see that Tom had caught up with him and had emptied a half bucket of warm porridge on his head and was now holding on to the empty cooler.

“Bastard! That’s for daring to pour water on me!” Tom cursed, throwing the thermal bucket on the window sill, before kicking Harley to the ground.

Not willing to accept defeat, Harley wiped the sticky porridge off his face and threw himself at Tom in rage. The two went at each other, throwing punches at each other. This went on for a while, leaving the hospital to suffer the steam, stench and salty smell of fish fillets.

Kasen Paul heard the commotion and rushed out to see what was going on. True to his suspicion was Harley and Tom fighting.

“Dog bites dog, let’s ignore it!” Kasen Paul remarked, tugging at his wife’s sleeve and pulled Ariana back to the ward.

During this time, Nina could only lie on the hospital bed, still crippled by the pains from childbirth. She heard the commotion outside and vaguely guessed that the two were fighting again.

“Dad, can you help me out of bed? I don’t want them to be like enemies,” she asked when her parents returned.

“There are a lot of things you need to worry about, Nina, but not those two rascals outside! Just lie down and don’t move!” Ariana advised, stepping forward to stop Nina as she was determined not to let her daughter get involved.

passed and the fighting had not

to get upset, crying and persuading her parents

I’m sorry for this whole mess. But it’s Harley’s fault.

was beginning to make the old couple think that their daughter was

Mrs. Ariana said, sitting on the hospital bed. “When your

details of Tom and found that he often fought in junior high school, and he even stole things in high school, but because he was not old enough, he was not sentenced, and it is said that

her impression, Tom has always been a simple and kind man. And throughout

can’t be that kind of person!” Nina retorted, confused about what

Tom to her as a mischievous man just

mother. “We didn’t tell you at first, because we were afraid that you would go into

wife’s idea, and patiently enlightened his daughter: “You are still young, we will introduce you to someone

to say anything. Her head was in a spiral and she began getting sceptical about

by security. In this fight, none of them had the upper hand, and the final result

meal recipes online. It happened that the servant came back from shopping, so he went downstairs into the kitchen and immediately began to prepare the pregnancy meal by himself. Although

Timothy, who never touched

living room from upstairs. She was surprised to see Harley busy in the


help him cook. It’s just that


she leaned against the refrigerator, watching Harley chop some onion and ginger. When she was tired of watching, she tapped him on the shoulder, announcing her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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