Chapter 852 Wishful thinking

Following Melissa’s advice, Harley sat on a corridor bench, as if an enemy was approaching and he was some sort of guard looking over Nina. Melissa had left him and returned inside the ward and Muray Gibson had just entered the ward some minutes ago with tie glasses on a tray; one filled to the brim with water, the other filled with some sort of juice.

From the ward which was initially silent, he could hear echoes of voices conversing accompanied by muffled sounds of laughter and he couldn’t help but smile. As long as Nina was safe and sound and happy, it didn’t matter to him if she never forgave him.

Because he spent a greater half of the previous night in deep thought, he began to feel a little tired. But that couldn’t be compared to the emptiness he felt in his heart anytime he thought about resolving the issue between him and Nina. Now that their daughter has already been born, at least for the sake of their child, it was high time whatever misunderstandings and grievances between them be resolved.

While Harley was still buried in thought, footsteps approached where he sat. Sighing, he raised his bowed head only to see Tom walking slowly with an insulated lunch box in his hand. Seeing this man appear, the tiredness on Harley’s face disappeared instantly and was replaced with an alarmed and furious look.

“What are you doing here? Nina doesn’t need your care!” Harley blurted out, jumping to his feet.

Looking at Harley coldly, Tom replied disdainfully: “Must you always display your shamelessness? Why can’t I come over to see Nina?” He paused to raise the insulation box in his hand, and said with a bit of provocation: “Don’t you see it? This is the pregnancy meal I made for Nina. I’m not like you who only boast but don’t do anything for Nina!”

Harley knew where this was heading to. It was just one of Tom’s numerous ploys in an attempt to try to win Nina’s heart over. Sensing this, Timothy stopped at the door to prevent Tom from entering, staring at him coldly and warning: “Nina is my daughter’s mother. You’d better get away before I do my worst!”

“Don’t be too confident in yourself,” Tom retorted. “In the eyes of Nina’s parents, you are a scumbag who is not as good as I am for their daughter.”

The two spent the next minute abusing each other verbally in front of the door of the ward. Soon enough Nina heard Tom quarrelling with Harley in the hallway and had to ask Melissa to open the door and invite him to avoid publicity.

“Mr. Warren, Nina let you in,” Melissa said, smiling at Tom while casting a sympathetic look at Harley.

Hearing this, Tom sent Harley a cold star and satirized smirk before entering the ward with brisk steps. Seeing this, Harley felt jealous and sullen in his heart. He wanted to get angry but had nowhere to vent, so he could only sit back on the bench and let his hurt tear him apart from the inside.

ward to confront Tom but was worried that Nina’s mood would be

need to supplement nutrition. I made it, especially for you. You should eat more,” advises Tom, being the

drinking a mouthful of porridge, Nina said embarrassedly, “Tom, I’ll be taken care of by my parents for the next few days in the hospital. You still have to go

out of love. I do not feel burdened at all,”

extremely gentle as he helped Nina to peel the boiled egg. “As long as you want, I can take

how to answer. But after some thought, she


one is dragging anyone down.

a father long ago,” Tom replied, sighing reluctantly. He was ready to reunite with

that if he did not fight now, not only would he lose Nina, but even his daughter would grow up beside her adoptive father. Before he could swing his attack into motion, a familiar voice from behind interrupted him, sending cold chills down

here to pester my

and the sound of the question, Harley froze and when he finally regained his strength, he turned to see Nina’s parents

acted very calmly. He knew he was the least favoured in Kasen Paul’s eyes,

just came to see Nina, and

you cared about her, you wouldn’t have done anything wrong to her when she was pregnant!” Ariana, Nina’s mother, spat, curling her

though he had stayed sober and was completely off liquor for the past couple of months, there

“Sorry Mrs. Ariana…”

he had to walk off, down the hallway and out of the hospital. But deep down, he

at Kasen Paul and said calmly, “Then I won’t disturb Nina for now. Anyway, Tom


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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