Chapter 856 The separation

In an instant, Nina felt a sharp tearing pain from the incision in her abdomen. She clutched her stomach and shivered, before collapsing to the floor with a thud. Seeing his daughter fall to the ground, Kasen Paul hurriedly ran over.

Harley was also frightened so he turned around and wanted to run toward Nina. However, a pair of hands grabbed his arm before he could move. They belonged to Carlee who didn't want any eventual complications blamed on her.

"Follow me, don't meddle!" she whispered to Harley.

But Harley couldn't just stand by and watch his Nina in pain. In fact, he felt hurt and slightly annoyed by how uncompassionate his mother was proving to be.

"If you want to leave, go by yourself!” He whispered coldly before turning to face his mother. “If you ever try to harm her again, I will never call you Mom!"

Carlee froze at the warning, her hands hung weakly by her sides. Before she could muster a response, Harley scurried away to Nina.

At this moment, Nina was sweating profusely, groaning and sprawling on the ground in pain. Kasen Paul and Ariana wanted to help her up, but both of them didn't have enough strength and tried several times but failed. But it wasn't their fault. They were no more in their youthful years and Nina had barely lost the extra weight she had gained from pregnancy.

"Let me help!" Harley offered, squatting down. He looked at Nina’s pale cheeks and face and he had nothing but deep pity for her.

At first, Kasen Paul didn't want to accept Harley's help, but considering the safety of his daughter, he kept on a gloomy face which did not stop him. The two men then worked together to help Nina back to the hospital bed, making sure she didn't sustain any more injuries.

could have been more hurt than she thought, so she

who was watching Nina while seated at the other end of the hospital bed, noticed

tensed, and he, on impulse, reached for her hand.

empty lunch box on the cabinet to him. "Is it bad enough for Nina to have

throat. But it didn't matter if she could say it, Nina knew that she would not give her heart to Harley. No doubt,

scolded by Kasen Paul. Harley also knew his mother had crossed the line by hurting

He apologized to Kasen Paul again and left the ward without

elevator and waited. When she saw Harley approaching, she lowered her voice and asked, "How is

to be your son!" Harley cried out before walking ahead

and although Carlee was very quiet during the ride home, her countenance changed as she walked into

paternity test first! If the child is not yours, you will be completely separated in the future. if the child is of the blood of the Timothy family, we

mother was thinking of a way out for him. With a chuckle,

do a paternity test. The girl will be

Harley is still not giving up, Carlee's brows knotted into a frown. She

are the tenth generation of the Timothy family. Look at Nina's physical condition. Even if I agree to your marriage, will she still be able to give birth in the future? Don’t you want

with that, he had no intention of changing his mind, and said to himself: "I don't have to pass on the lineage

did I give birth to you? Isn't it just to give the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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