Chapter 857 Competition Star Entertainment.

"Boss, your mother-in-law made the soup, and someone brought it to you." The assistant held a heat preservation bucket and placed it on the table.

Melissa waved her hand and ordered the assistant to dump the parcel into the trash can.

This was the third time Mrs. Timothy had come to deliver something to her, and each time she had rejected and dumped it in the trash.

Melissa saw no use for the presents. If she ever wished for something from Mrs. Timothy, it was for the older lady to depart from her life for good.

"In the future, when she comes to deliver things, tell her to take them back with her," Melissa instructed the assistant. She needed no such concern.

Melissa saw that she was going to participate in the competition in two days, and now she was in a mess and had no preparations at all. Anthony's side is ready. But things at home have bothered her a lot these days. After a while, the assistant brought another thermal bucket and put it in front of her.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't take anything else from her!" Melissa yelled.

"It's not from Mrs. Timothy, it's from Mr. Gibson.” The assistant explained carefully, for fear of Melissa's anger.

"Where is he then?"

"Mr. Gibson is gone. He said he's going to take care of some things for the next few days."

an answer, which made her so annoyed that she suddenly threw everything

all over the floor. He didn't say anything

to go out first. Seeing Melissa trembling all over while sitting on the sofa made her very

angry,” Jill said. She always comforted people, and among so many of her friends,

to be his lobbyist too?" Melissa asked Jill, casting

speak for him?" Jill replied, putting a blanket over Melissa and pouring

body. Not to mention, the child can't take it." Since Melissa became pregnant, Jill has been very careful about

under control now, I just didn't

course, I

calm herself, for fear that her emotions would affect the

some time to explain himself. Besides, Mrs. Timothy

ponder, and it

game was arranged online, and they couldn't see each other, but the schedule and time of the

place Melissa didn't know. The game was about to start, and the three of them were ready to go online at the same time. Those who had hacked

hacker's official website based on their competition in recent years, which deepens the difficulty. Even the time posed a challenge as the password of the system was to be cracked within

the website. To prove their superiority, the hackers declared war, which turned out to be interesting. After the list was published on the official website, the three of

host announced, making the three of them open their different

of them at the door. Even Murray postponed all his meetings, staring

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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