Chapter 859 Hidden Identity

"Very good, good performance this time,” Murray said, walking towards her. He signalled to the principal and everyone cleared the room.

"You haven't answered me. Can you forgive me?” Murray persuaded.

"When you settle your family's affairs, I will think about forgiving you." Melissa was only slightly annoyed with him. Her main cause for resenting him was his family. There was a Mr. Marc and there was his mother; both of them were not so easy to deal with. "Would it kill you to send them away? What's more, my child will be born in a few months. I don't want my child to live in such an environment.

"I have flown my mother Mr Marc out of the country. The two of them shouldn't have any trouble abroad. And I have already decided that in the future, apart from living expenses and my basic expenses, I will give them the rest. Although Mr. Marc usually seems to be extravagant and powerful, the money he makes is not enough.”

Murray had been working on these things for the past few days. He has talked to Mr. Marc more than once, and the results of these days have made him even more exhausted.

It's just that he gave an ultimatum to Mr. Marc's son. If it goes on like this, he will cut off relations with them. His future grandson will be surnamed Melissa. This can be regarded as what motivated Mr. Marc's son to go back abroad with Mrs. Timothy. Without arguing, they just left.

Melissa smiled with satisfaction upon hearing this result. She stretched out a hand and let him hold it. When the two walked out of the viewing room, there were many people around the door. Melissa greeted everyone warmly, with Murray behind her for fear of someone touching her belly. Flanked by the crowd, the two left the school.

On the way, Murray couldn't help asking, "When did you become the principal of this school?”

Melissa laughed but didn't answer the question.

"How many more surprises do you have that I don't know?" Murray pressed on.

"A lot. You need to take time to learn about them!" Melissa replied, making the two of them laugh, while they walked hand in hand.

The moment Harley walked out of the gate of the Timothy family villa, he finally felt free. Although his life was in a bit of a mess right now, he was looking forward to a new life. Not long after, Harley took a taxi to a well-known apartment complex in the centre of the city in search of shelter.

The location there was good and the complex was lined with guards and up to date security measures; a feature he found suitable for a public figure like himself.

concierge and after touring the apartment, set down to arrange his clothes into his wardrobe and arranged his few other belongings in various positions around the

help imagining that one day Nina would accept him again,

still a picture of Nina on his phone, so he took it out from his trouser

a call popped up on the phone screen, with Jasmine's name displayed on the Caller ID. It was then that he remembered that he hadn't been to the crew for many days. There were a lot of things including

how did you know my number?" Harley asked, a little surprised as he answered

and disturbed by Jasmine, Harley directly suspended the

his lazy tone and wished she could jump

to stop messing around and come to work?

dropped the spatula in his

just moved in today, let's talk about everything

deem his words

be sure this number will

another entertainer to participate in the show in the field, Harley would have

Jasmine. When have I ever

He knew that Harley was angry at him so he tried

you ten minutes ago with the caption Harley dragging

fuss about it, Harley sighed. "Who said I was homeless? Didn't I just

the news seriously. "I asked you to be normal but every day there is negative news about you on the Internet. You are about to become a marginal person in

crew last time. The competition in the industry was fierce, and in just over

and motivated.

sincere and touched Harley's heart. He hoped that he could return

has been away from showbiz for a long time, so he still kept a lazy attitude and replied nonchalantly: "People

undergoing emergency treatment by the doctor a few hours ago, her pain disappeared, but fortunately, the incision had not been

responded, "I haven't thought about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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