Chapter 860 Everything has me

Just as Nina had hoped, Harley came to the hospital again the next morning. After all that happened yesterday, Harley knew that he was the number one enemy of the Paul family, so he did not make his presence known to them or her parents. Through a small crack in the door, he saw Nina staring out the window.

After a night's rest, she looked better than yesterday, and her mental state also looked good.

Harley smiled, gladdened at her speedy recovery rate. As long as Nina's body recuperated quickly, his mind could finally be at rest. After staying for two or three minutes, Harley began worrying about his daughter and took the elevator upstairs again.

Standing behind the glass window, he quietly waved at the baby in the incubator.

"Daughter, Mom and Dad haven't given you a name yet.." Harley whispered as he watched the baby talk to herself.

He wanted to bring up the issue but It's just that the relationship between him and Nina hadn't mended yet. Asking her to discuss naming the child would only attract a scolding from her and her parents. With this in mind, Harley had no choice but to give up.

He continued to observe his daughter and could notice that she had grown some features that hadn't been there the last time he saw her.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found that the child's face was unusually rosy, and the shallow breathing seemed to be heavier than yesterday.

"There must be something wrong!” he muttered to himself.

From his layman's reasoning, Harley could tell that his daughter appeared to be ill. Without hesitation, he went to the doctor's office again and explained the situation in detail.

The day's daytime consultant was an elderly doctor who seems to be quite experienced. Hearing Harley's concerns about the child, he immediately took a nurse to check. After a brief examination, the nurse took the baby's temperature and found that the temperature was very high, and her breathing was abnormal.

of the newborn. In addition to

the ward, pacing the corridor in restlessness. He saw the doctor walking toward

him and wanted to ask if his daughter was ill when the doctor was the first

mild pneumonia." The doctor patiently explained the specific condition to Harley. "But you don't have to worry, because your daughter

disease is quite common, and it will get

that, Harley's heart softened a bit. Even if the doctor made light

sleeping in an incubator since she was born, how

the child's lungs are not fully developed, and some dust which may have happened to

taken to another room by the nurse, he felt even more nervous, for fear that the condition would become serious. After sticking around for

the news and even if he kept it

corner of the corridor, but Ariana chatting with the Paul family's relatives

night. I haven't decided on the nickname yet, but I think it sounds good

and asked in a low voice: "You let the child take

a lot of grievances with him. We just let the

family's relatives left, Ariana was about to go back to the ward to

the name True Paul very much, but shouldn't you discuss

make her anymore annoyed but

about the baby's name, she asked coldly: "Why

you when she was pregnant, and now you are running to fight for the baby's surname. Do

explained the distress in his

whether it is blood or social relations. Mrs. Timothy, I don't have to fight for my daughter's surname Lin, but I hope I have the right to participate in this matter,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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