Chapter 861 Pedal on two boats

In the ward, Nina lay face down on the pillow and cried tears. Harley didn't know how to comfort her. After all, he was too restless himself and hadn't yet come to terms with the fact that his daughter was declared critically ill just a few days after she was born.

After thinking about the sentence several times in his mind, Harley spoke gently. "Nina, please be strong. I believe that the baby will be saved from danger."

Nina was still whimpering while listening to Harley's reassuring comments. But sadly, no words could calm Nina. She had not seen her daughter since childbirth. True Paul had lived in her womb for eight months and finally came to the world. Nina couldn't believe that before the mother-daughter bonding began, True Paul was diagnosed with a critical illness.

Nina couldn't take it, she wiped the tears from her cheeks, raised her eyes and begged Harley. "Can you help me out of bed, please? I want to see my daughter."

Harley saw her tears welling up in her eyes and he wished he could help her. But at the same time, Harley knew that she was in no stable condition to leave that ward so he just hugged her, letting the tears that resisted the back of her palm wet the collar of his shirt.

"Nina, don't worry, the doctor is already rescuing our child." After many days, Harley could finally feel Nina's body press against him again, but her body felt so weak and helpless. "Trust me, the baby will be fine. And know that no matter what happens, I will stay by your side. Everything has me..."

Harley's seemed to calm to soothe Nina as after a while her sobbing reduced. About an hour later, the nurse brought the news immediately that the child was successfully rescued and is currently being observed in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Since then, for the rest of the day, Harley had always remained by Nina's side. Even when Kasen Paul returned, Harley relocated to the hallway to wait and never left the hospital. He even made sure he checked up on Nina regularly, through the crack in the door.

The next morning, the nurse came to the ward, reporting that the child's condition was gradually stabilising and she brought with her the diagnosis.

Through genetic testing, it was found that the child had a genetic defect and was diagnosed with combined immunodeficiency disease. The cause of this disease was that Kasen Paul's mother carried a recessive gene, and the best diagnosis and treatment plan is to perform hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. After the preliminary comparison and investigation, neither the bone marrow bank nor the cord blood bank could match the child with a donor, and they could only consider transplanting bone marrow from relatives. After this announcement, the aura in the ward was overwhelming.

donate bone marrow to True Paul, as long as it can cure her disease, It doesn't matter what you

your body is too weak, and the

the father of True Paul. If we should have a better chance of matching, let me

was a little surprised to hear that Harley had

Kasen Paul nodded. It was too late to consider the blemishes on Harley at

also surprised they had agreed with him. He made to follow the old couple when he heard Nina's

at Harley. "Don't worry, our daughter will get

Paul, and the next step was to wait for the results. Because the child's condition was

call early in the morning and the nurse informed

rushed to the hospital as fast as he

the torment and worry of three days finally vanished

thanked Harley, awaiting his

nurse left the room to make a phone call. She knew that Harley was a well-known actor in

out of danger, Harley left the hospital with mixed feelings. He didn't expect to see a

is seriously ill and needs a bone marrow transplant. Is she

was rumored on the Internet that you and Sylvia are about to marry.


of questions were thrown at Harley. Most of the reporters’ questions were direct, everyone ranting online they all deserved to know what was going on in his private life. Harley was unprepared for this and responded to every reporter with "no comment". He pushed away the crowd and covered his face with his hands to shield his eyes from the flashing lights, warning: "Don't take any more pictures, or I'll

at all. This public opinion that had sparked reactions on the internet was beginning to turn into old news and those reporters


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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