Chapter 863 Disputes

After settling in Nina, the old couple hurried to the church to pray for blessings. Although praying for blessings was only psychological comfort, it wasn't shocking to see Kasen Paul and Ariana who were in desperation, trying to pin their hopes on the gods.

As for Nina, her mind was restless as she was anxious to see her daughter. Ever since the nurse carted the child away after its delivery, she hadn't set eyes on True Paul before. The fear that something terrible was going to happen gripped her and she began praying silently for the safety of her daughter.

Moments later, after the doctor's routine rounds, Nina was ready to call Melissa, considering that she would not be able to get out of bed. She sat up after several attempts and finally reached for the phone on the cabinet. It didn't take Nina long to find

Melissa's number in the address book and she quickly typed it and was about to ring it when the sound of someone kicking open the door startled her.

"Nina! Why are you too selfish? I can't believe you set my son to donate bone marrow! Do you want him to be crippled?" Carlee asked aggressively, closing the door to the ward. The reason why she came to the hospital today is to force Nina to persuade

Harley to give up donating bone marrow and from the look of things, it seemed Nina was beginning to figure out the reason for her visit.

“How and when did I instigate your son?” Nina asked, with a pretentious smile. "Have you asked Harley if he volunteered or if I forced him to save the child?"

Carlee knew the answer to both questions. Harley has always had a soft spot for Nina, and also regarded his newborn daughter as one dearest to his heart. So he was more likely to donate his bone marrow voluntarily, and all Nina and her family did were to support him. However, she couldn't admit it, so she continued to spit venom at Nina.

"You uneducated thing! Now you talk back to me rudely every time you see me! My son became disrespectful because of you, and your daughter's illness is also your fault!"

Seeing Carlee blame her for what happened to True Paul, Nina wanted to fight back with words, but she chose to remain calm. “I don't need to quarrel with you. If you have any issues with me, you can go back to your son, Harley."

tension now existing between her and Harley was all thanks to Nina! But she knew how best to get Nina for affecting her

she said, his face still radiating with anger. "I just won't let Harley donate his bone marrow!" Immediately after she spoke, Carlee turned around and exited through the door, preparing to let all hell loose at the daycare unit

as Carlee left, a nurse pushed open the door and walked in, looking

when the child's father donates bone marrow the day after tomorrow, he will personally conduct surgery on the child

to the director. If I could walk, I would follow you

the nurse. "Wait! Don't go yet!" The nurse stopped only to hear Carlee declare arrogantly: "I am the mother of Harley,

to respond and even when she finally

promise you, if your hospital extracts my son’s bone marrow,

Harley's mother coming out to make threats was surprising. The nurse looked embarrassed and

sorry ma'am, Harley has signed an agreement, which is voluntary, and relatives have no right

right to interfere? I'm

scanning gaze at the nurse, "Are you working with Nina? She promised you a lot of

didn't take any benefit from anyone," The young nurse who was at a loss for words, frowned and defended

to the nurse

child and knew she had to do something before Carlee interfered with the operation. The only way to get Carlee out

doing? Who do you want to call?” Carlee asked

and she threw a cold glance at Carlee and said, "Didn't you agree not to donate bone marrow to my daughter? I'll call Harley, and

her eyes. "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. You called Harley to the hospital because

not admit it and replied casually: "Just relax till he gets here. I hope Harley will drive you away." She proceeded to call Harley's number, hoping that he would

when he arrived. She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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