Chapter 864 Do it for yourself

“Tom, please help me get her out of here, this woman is unreasonable!" Nina cried out with her eyes tightly shut. She hoped that Carlee would disappear when she opened her eyes.

Hearing Nina calling out Tom's name, Carlee realized that he was the man in the photo. No wonder he had looked so familiar.

Carlee was not expecting Tom to come to Nina's aid and this made her even more furious. She threw off Tom's hand and pointed a threatening finger at him. "It's just so shameless of both of you. You guys are hooking up behind my son's back but you still want to trick him into donating his bone marrow!"

As soon as the words left her lips, Carlee screamed at the top of her lungs and pounced on Tom, screaming; "For aligning with this bitch and plotting to harm my son, I will scratch you to death today!" She then began digging her fingers into Tom's neck and face.

Originally, Tom just wanted to drive the arrogant and domineering Carlee out of the ward as ordered by Nina. But now, he wanted to humiliate her. He was kind hearted and caring but that was only when he was taking care of Nina. He didn't show the same compassion towards others especially when it was a woman trying to take off his face with her fingernails.

"You dare to put your hand on my face, right?" Tom growled, his eyes dark and sending a shrill down Carlee's spine.

Without warning, he then dragged Carlee out to the hospital corridor with a few strides. He was so powerful that Carlee couldn't resist his grip on her arm. Someone had finally kicked Carlee out of the ward, and the nurse was relieved.

However, Tom didn't feel satisfied when he had driven her out. He then pushed Carlee to the ground with a hard push and then stood over her with his fists clenched menacingly before him.

me because I'm a lady!” Carlee taunted. She lay on the ground and started rolling, crying and

back towards the ward. However, Carlee's shouting quickly attracted a crowd of onlookers, everyone was talking about her, and the

just stand up and tell everyone you are

“Have you lost your sight, girl? It

bag beside him, sat on the ground and started calling the police. Less than a quarter of an

that Carlee had evidence that he was being thrown to the floor so they opened a case and went into the ward to find Tom and interrogate him. After interrogating the

the attack on yourself. First of all, you broke Ms. Nina’s mobile phone,

did not expect that the police would be taking sides with Nina and Tom when

the first person that treated me roughly. What they did was rude, but instead of telling them to

that they all go to the police station to resolve the conflict. As everyone bought his suggestion, Carlee was taken out of the hospital by the police and was detained on the same day for the crime of picking

the way. Hearing that his mother was arrested, he had a headache,

a fine and got his mother out of prison. On the

his mother still complaining about the events of the day and out of rage, he simply parked the

she saw that Harley was dead serious, that Carlee realised how much of a mess she had made today, so she kept her mouth

to the hospital without wasting a second at the house. Harley came out of the elevator hurriedly and that was when he learnt from the attending doctor that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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