Chapter 865 Peace is a blessing

"My parents are back,” Nina announced briefly. Her tone was tense.

Although Kasen Paul's attitude towards Harley was better than before, he still didn't want him to have too much contact with Nina.

"Oh, then I'll go back to the apartment first,” Timothy said, sighing. He understood that he had to leave even when Nina didn't say so. But as soon as he got up from the bedside, Kasen Paul pushed open the door and the old couple walked into the ward.

Seeing that Harley was also there, the old couple didn't say anything, just turned their attention to their daughter.

"Nina, we bought an amulet for True Paul and one for you. I hope you both will be well in the future,” Ariana said and took out the amulet from the bag before carefully handing it to Nina.

"What an exquisite amulet! May it bless the True Paul and give her a long life!" Nina commented, taking it in her hand and examining it carefully.

Kasen Paul echoed: "Today your mother and I not only asked for the amulets but also had a chat with the priest. He said that you and True Paul are unlucky this year and that everything will go well next year."

Finding that the old couple had been ignoring him, Harley turned silently and walked towards the door. He didn't want to interfere with the family discussion. But before he could leave the ward, Kasen Paul's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Wait a minute, I have something to talk to you about."

Harley was curious. "Okay."

the subject: "Although we were on not so good terms with each other before,

him: "Mr. Timothy, please don't mention, True Paul is my daughter, even if

said was true. Ever since Nina gave birth, he had felt two more burdens on his shoulders. A strong sense of purpose and responsibility drove through Harley as he knew that the two most important people for the rest of his life were Nina and his

hearing this. Although he could not forgive Harley's betrayal of Nina, he was moved by how much

closer. "I wanted to tell you that I have discussed with Nina and have planned to

knotted into a frown. He had negotiated with the old couple about this matter before, but he didn't expect that Kasen Paul would take the

named Paul because we had hatred in our hearts for you and your mom. But

gleeful and he felt that by trying to reunite with Nina, he could also find favour in

the misunderstanding between me and Nina, there is a child that both of us have brought into the world and we need to take

about the day they would be together

Kasen Paul agreed. "Well, as long as my granddaughter's illness is cured, I will agree

time, and he had communicated with the doctor many times. He heard that as long as the operation is completed, there is a high probability that the child can be cured if there

you, it wasn't because I cared about the child's

Harley's words, Kasen Paul laughed dryly and sighed. "We have known each other for a while now, how can there be so much hate

a while in the hallway with Kasen Paul, Harley said goodbye and went back home. He remembered the nurse's advice to take a good rest in the next two days, as it would be beneficial to ensure a successful surgery, even though right now Harley was beginning to wonder if that was true or just another of Nina's ploys

He was tired these days, and he just had this opportunity to make up for the past two to three sleepless nights, an opportunity which he used

morning, when Harley walked into the ward with nutritional

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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