Chapter 876 Opportunity

Seeing Harley and Nina pursing their lips, Kasen Paul nudged his wife. Ariana looked at the two of them with a slight smile, and asked calmly, “Do you two have any plans for the future?”

Nina smiled. “I just hope that True Paul will be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible, and 1 will watch her grow up Safely in the future.”

Ariana’s eyes turned to Harley, “How about you? Tell me what you think?”

Aware that Ariana was just asking for his suggestion, Harley replied tactfully: “I also hope that True Paul will grow up healthy. As for the rest of my future, I don't have a clue.”

Ariana nodded with satisfaction and continued: “since you both are concerned about True Paul, you should also think about giving her a complete home!”

“Yes, we have discussed it. Now that the child is not a full month, and the operation has been successful, it is time for the child to feel the care of both parents. Have you considered starting over?” Kasen Harley’s eyes widened in disbelief when he heard that the old couple was matching him and Nina. Looking back, Kasen

Paul’s attitude towards him was always full of spite, but now it is completely different. Harley was a little overwhelmed by the huge turnaround coming so quickly.

“I...” Harley stammered, the words suddenly seeming so heavy to speak.

to getting back together with

about?” Kasen Paul asked persuasively. “I think

true but it was a bit difficult

tolerance and generosity. I have an opinion, but I can't force Nina to spend the rest of her life with me,” Harley stepped in, realizing

to connect the two for the sake of their children, the hurt their daughter had suffered couldn't be thrown to

"But first, you should deal with the emotional matters first, and when you can give Nina an explanation for your, we will agree that you two can get back together

was relieved. Her self-esteem at that time was so low that she knew it would be difficult to open her mouth. Ariana saw that her daughter's appearance was much

chance.” “Okay! I won't let

Nina's hand tightly in front of Kasen Paul. Feeling the warmth coming from Harley's palm, Nina’s heart tightened and she hurriedly

tell his mother and Sylvia about his soon - to- come marriage to Nina. It was even more delightful for him that they already had a kid and more than ever, Harley wished he, Nina and the baby would get to live a simple life of an ordinary young couple

in the morning to tell her that Harley was reluctant to go home and was planning to call an ambulance for her. Since then her mood had

the reason why Harley is so cruel, I'll say it's because Nina is dragging him into believing he is supposed to be hating me.” “Mrs. Timothy, you’re right, I guess it’s because she hates

made Carlee even angry, she gritted her teeth and

Harley knew Nina, he listened to

two were chatting in the bedroom so when Harley found no one in the living room, he went up to the second floor and went straight to his mother’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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