Chapter 877 What do you think I am?

“You’re marrying Nina?” Carlee exclaimed, sitting up on the bed. “Why didn't you ask for my permission before making such a decision?"

Harley was calm in his response. “I’m not discussing this with you. All you have to know is that True Paul will be a month old in a few days, and apart from celebrating his recovery from the serious illness that plagued him, I will also be celebrating my marriage to Nina."

Over my dead body!" Carlee forbade, flicking her thumb dramatically in the air. “No! I don’t agree to such a marriage!”

Harley was angered by his mother's response but he kept his cool. “Why? Just because you don’t like Nina? Just because my child is a girl?”

At this moment, Carlee’s face was very firm, and she affirmed strongly and fiercely: “That’s right!" Carlee affirmed.

“That cunning fox has turned us into enemies, and now I can’t have a grandson. How could I then let her into the Timothy family?”

Meanwhile, Sylvia walked to the window and let her gaze wander in the clear, bright sky. Although she hadn't said a word since Harley came in, her heart was racing. She had a premonition that a fight was about to break out between Mrs. Carlee and Harley because she knew the determination of Harley was so strong that unless Nina Paul withdrew her consent, nothing would stop him from marrying the latter.

“Mom, I ask you to correct your attitude. First of all, I am not against you, you will always be my mother. But do you wish that the child Nina has given birth to be raised by a single parent?” “I do not care!” Carlee replied sharply. “If you want to marry Nina, I will kill myself immediately!”

talking and not doing was failing to intimidate Harley, so she

can only choose one! ” she presented an ultimatum, holding the knife against her stomach. Her expression was to make Harley completely give up the idea of marrying Nina and it seems he was buying her

are you doing? Is it necessary to be so impulsive?” He took a step forward, wanting to grab the murder weapon from his mother,

pleaded: “Mrs. Carlee, please don't do

“No one can stop me today from taking my life.

her mother wipe her tears with her hands and rushed up to grab the fruit knife. “Mom, stop making trouble. No one is forcing you to do stupid things, so stop it. You are

and when they reached Sylvia's ears, her

that Harley has a sweetheart, don’t force him anymore,”

Harley's eyes. I’m a self-assured woman who occupies a magpie’s nest!” Carlee was concerned when she heard Sylvia crying. “Harley, look at Sylvia. She’s

him and even pressure Harley into getting married to Sylvia within a week, but as expected, Harley stood his

I don’t have a conscience," Harley said, tucking away the fruit knife. "I came back, just to inform you that I am about to marry Nina, not to discuss with

her usual nagging, she muttered some incoherent words. Just then, Harley took

you and me. In fact, if my mother succeeded in forcing us to be together, it will end in separation in the future. To be honest, I don’t want

because he had just paid huge liquidated damages for the company’s termination of the contract a while ago, he was left with little money in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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