Chapter 882 Compromise

Although Nina had never competed with Carlee for anything, the woman always treated her with disdain. Even Harley couldn't figure out why his mother still found it difficult to tolerate Nina

"I brought Nina over here,” He snapped at his mother angrily. “If you have any issues, it should be with me. Don't you dare to take your anger on my wife!”

Seeing that Harley still hadn't changed, Carlee narrowed his eyes and placed her hands on her hips in preparation to show him her sovereignty.

"Why then did you let her move in here? Last I checked, my name is written on the property deed of this villa, and I control everything that goes on in here!"

The baby in the stroller who had dozed off a while ago was

suddenly woken up by Carlee's yelling. True Paul was frightened by the noise and kept on crying. Nina frowned at Carlee and hurriedly took her daughter out of the stroller to comfort her.

Upon seeing this, Harley gave Mrs. Barns what was in his hand and walked quickly to Nina to help her coax the child together.

But the baby was still crying after being coaxed for a long time. Harley felt that her daughter was probably hungry and hurriedly took Nina back to the room to make milk powder.

"It's so noisy and noisy...blah blah blah,” Carlee mimicked in a baby’s voice, obviously frustrated that True Paul had drawn the attention of her parents from her. “This kind of kid will never be successful when she grows up!"

Just as Nina and Carlee were heading upstairs, Sylvia heard the noise from the outside and came out, hoping to watch all the fun. The three met on the stairs, with Harley and Sylvia looking at each other.

"Harley, long time no see!" Sylvia greeted Harley with a seductive smile, intended to spark jealousy in Nina.

to be dragged back to the villa by his mother again, and he couldn't help feeling upset when he saw that she had gained weight and

for Sylvia's added weight was that she had gotten pregnant. However, he knew even if she eventually gave birth to a kid and claimed it to be his, he only recognized True

with my mother?”

behind, suddenly raised her voice and asked aggrievedly: “Harley, you seem

also knew Sylvia was trying to kindle a desire in Carlee, and walked directly into the bedroom with her daughter in her

question. "Who said I wanted to kick

very upset when he sees me, inside and out of this

Sylvia turned back to Carlee’s room to get her bag. But Carlee chased after her, took her

going to kick you out today! You'll take care of your baby by

child, and sarcastically said: “You're so shameless

broken as she poured water into the bottle. Despite the fact

was angry. But since her daughter was still waiting for the milk, walked to the

fed up.

I will move out with Nina and will never come back here

it, this house

Sylvia back

with the other. Harley rushed into the

his daughter had calmed down and was suckling on her feeding bottle with her eyes

Nina, I didn't expect my mom to come

still be enough to dispel the pain Nina was going through. To make him feel even worse, Nina remained silent, watching his daughter suck on

I know you are unhappy with me. But I promise I will find a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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