Chapter 883 Vicious

Harley was going to go out looking for a house, but Nina kept advising him to give up the idea in the meantime. She didn't want him to be distracted because he had been working on the script these days. After some negotiation, Harley agreed with Nina to finish the script first.

Three days after Carlee's return, Nina got up in the morning to take care of the baby but Harley remained asleep as he had stayed up late due to his scriptwriting project. She prepared the baby formula quickly and fed the baby before rocking her back to sleep and returning her to the crib.

Harley, who was yet to attain deep sleep, woke up to the sound of shuffling in the room. He saw that Nina was still up and when he raised his eyes to the clock, he realized that he had slept up until seven o'clock in the morning.

"Nina, why didn't you wake me up?" Harley sat up and shielded his eyes from the sun rays that penetrated the room through the window.

"If you go to bed late, you need to sleep a little longer to make up for those hours you were awake,” Nina explained, smiling before heading to the bathroom to take a bath.

Soon Harley joined her in the steam-clouded bathroom and hugged her from behind.

"I have good news for you," Harley whispered. "I finished writing the script last night, and I will make an appointment with

Jasmine this morning to come to check it out. And now I'm done with the script, I will go out to find us a house when I am done."

Since Carlee came home, Nina's face was always clad with sadness. She gave a weak nod and it took a while for her to realize that she hadn't encouraged Harley. "! wish you all the best and try to get your work out there.”

Following the encouragement from Nina, Harley was more confident. "Oh, trust me. I will kill it out there. Don't forget that I majored in screenwriting in college!"

In fact, if it wasn't for Carlee who forced him to be an actor in front of the screen, Harley would have excelled as a scriptwriter where he could enjoy the comfort that came with working behind the scenes.

later, the two went downstairs for breakfast, just as Carlee and Sylvia came out of the dining

atmosphere at home and just wanted to move out with Nina as soon as possible.

the knock sounded, Nina was standing by the window holding the baby and she thought it was Mrs. Barns delivering fruit. It was when she opened the door that she saw Carlee and Sylvia standing in front of her.

are you looking

her eyes and gritted her teeth: "You're still playing stupid? Are

"No, I haven't even been in the kitchen these past few days. I

she was saying the truth, Carlee didn't believe her at all. "You said you've never been in the kitchen, but

call her up if

to the door. When asked, Mrs. Otis not only confirmed that Nina not only entered the kitchen but also did

against her and

taking care of my daughter every day. How then do I have time to think of harming Sylvia who has done nothing to

in her that

Sylvia have diarrhea last

noticed that in truth,

had nothing to do with

think blaming me will somehow make you feel better, then go ahead." Nina knew that after agreeing to live with Carlee, a

to the crime, Carlee was boiling with

closer. "I tell you, even if something happens to the baby in Sylvia's womb, I still think she will be the Timothy family's daughter-in-law. But as for you, you are just a lover of my son, and you were so shameless that you didn't hesitate to get pregnant for him. Your daughter is no different from an illegitimate daughter!" Once

water, then I will leave here!" After she finished speaking, Nina turned around to

promise to Harley to wait until he found a house before moving out, with the current situation, staying here for one more second was sure to cause her

wheeling her suitcase behind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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