Chapter 888 Secure Position

Just as Nina coaxed her daughter back to sleep, Carlee limped out of the residential building and called Harley as soon as she got in the car. Despite her burning rage, she couldn’t do anything in her bruised state and wanted to ask Harley to help her fight back.

Harley was busy with business so he couldn’t answer Carlee’s call in time. Without being able to summon Harley, Carlee was beginning to feel that raising a son was useless. Giving up, she went to the hospital where after an examination, she found that she was fine and just had to be simply sterilized and bandaged. After being cleaned up, Carlee came out of the consulting room and took the elevator to the ward where Sylvia was staying.

As soon as the door was opened, Sylvia, who sat on the hospital bed, was dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe that the bruised middle-aged lady who walked in was Carlee.

“Mrs. Carlee, what happened to your face? What the hell happened?” Sylvia asked frightened

Carlee felt embarrassed so she didn’t answer Sylvia’s question immediately. She closed the door and took a seat on the hospital bed before telling the truth.

“My face was beaten by Nina, she will get my revenge sooner or later!” Carlee explained, breaking down in tears as she showed Sylvia the bruises on her body.

Sylvia was terrified, or rather she pretended to be concerned and asked, “Mrs. Carlee, have you done a general examination?”

“It’s fine. I’m fine.” Carlee frowned. “The most chilling thing is that I was beaten like this by Nina, and Harley didn’t even answer my phone!”

Truth be told, it was normal for Harley not to answer Carlee’s calls these past few days. Sylvia knew this very well, after all, Carlee tells her everything.

you say he has been hiding in the study writing a script the other day?” Sylvia replied, sighing. “What

that Carlee was the one who brought the whooping upon

crazy! How can

fists. “Today I was beaten and humiliated

heal first and leave the

against the Idea. “Don’t make trouble. You haven’t recovered yet. Besides, she’s stronger than

Sylvia. She of all people knew how strong Nina was and knew

be harmed. I happen to know a few gangsters who can get the job done

even more for her brilliant ideas and she was ready to let Harley bring the prospective daughter-in-law into the house. After Carlee returned home

exhausted from taking care of the child all day. She even forgot to take a bath before going to bed, and after breastfeeding her daughter, she also fell asleep in bed beside her. Hardly had she dozed off for about an hour had she heard her mother’s urgent

True Paul has a

cleared from Nina’s eyes. She sat up straight and saw that the child was lying in Ariana’s arms. Touching the baby’s forehead, she realized that her temperature was indeed very high. She bit her lip in regret, knowing that she should take her

from her fall,” She murmured anxiously, hurriedly getting dressed. “Mom and Dad, let’s go to

a thin coat. The three of them walked in a hurry. The child was wrapped in a quilt by Ariana.

open his eyes due to the dazzling lights in front of him. Immediately

a hurry to go to the hospital. Please make way,” Kasen Paul asked. He racked his mind and found that he had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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