Chapter 889 Road Hero

“Help, help!” Nina screamed, running as far as her legs could carry.

The streets were empty at that time of the morning. Apart from the vehicles that occasionally sped past, the sidewalks were empty, well except for the rising ballads of the nocturnal creatures and Nina was running on the side of the road holding her high-fever daughter while crying desperately with the hope that someone would show up to help her out of her predicament. It was a pity however that even if two or three cars passed by, none of them stopped.

She couldn’t outrun the Biker gangs and they were trailing behind her slowly. They saw that she was in great turmoil but none of them was willing to help her and threw taunts and made fun of her.

“She is so beautiful and it’s so sexy the way she can run so fast with the child in her arms!”

“Have you practised long-distance running before?”

“I would advise you not to waste all your energy on running. Why don’t you just give up?.”

At that moment, a passing taxi suddenly changed direction, crossed the flower bed from the motorway, and headed straight for the sidewalk. The Biker gangs noticed the taxi but before they could react, the vehicle drew to a stop and a figure jumped out of the car.

Finally, someone came to the rescue, thought Nina as she also stopped

“Let her go!”

The stranger’s voice was high-pitched and loud, like it was not trying to plead, but was trying to put fear in the mind of the Bikers. The voice however felt familiar to Nina and when she strained to look, she found that it was Tom. Just as he walked towards her, a strong smell of alcohol filled the air.

“Tom, it’s you!” Nina screamed in surprise as well as delight. The appearance of Tom had brought her hope and she scurried over to his side. Seeing the child Nina was holding in his arms, and exchanging glances with the Bikers, Tom immediately understood what was going on.

bar to get drunk because he was in a bad mood. On the way back,

be afraid, I will

two empty beer bottles in his hand and

this, Tom grabbed the bottle and smashed it on one of the helmets and successfully slapped the gang member in the face. With the pieces of glass flying about, only half of the wine bottle remained, earning Tom yet another

cause serious damage to the Biker gang member wearing the helmet, he could choose to attack the opponent’s vulnerability. With one swing, he buried half of the broken bottle into the gangster’s belly, causing the latter to help in the blink of an eye, blood flowed, and Biker gang fell

they didn’t expect

my brother?” The biker gang

off balance but was a bit too slow as Tom moved out of the way, stabbing him in the stomach as well. He

at Tom’s arm. “Don’t fight them, let’s get out of here

expected to get Nina into the taxi but was shocked to

means of transportation, Tom frowned and asked, “Nina,

Nina nodded.

group of Biker gangs was not easy to get rid of, so he had to come up with a

baby and get to the nearest hospital. Leave

was running around desperately, trying to find a route to the closest hospital. However, she had just run a few steps when she looked back


that her parents were also injured just now, and

muttered to herself, shivering as she

them away, she kept her voice as loud as possible. “Hello officer, a kidnap is going on here. a group of Biker gangs are beating my friends, and they have also injured

of Nina echoed through the streets and quickly drifted to the Biker gang’s ears.

The gangster said, spitting at Tom while the rest of his men helped the two wounded up and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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