Chapter 909 she took advantage of me

“I knew there was a reason for your bad behavior back then…”Nina couldn’t help but sigh in understanding.

Of course, the Paul couple was not a bad person in nature as well. They also knew how to have sympathy Knowing that Tom had a poor and sad childhood, they had a different view of him.

“It’s our fault. We were too cruel to you.”

Ariana looked relieved.She not only apologized to Tom,but also persuaded her husband to change his perspective towards Tom..

After Kasen was convinced, he realized that he had too much prejudice against Tom in the past.He took the initiative to say that he wouldn’t stop his daughter and Tom from contacting each other.

But even so, Nina and Harley had a daughter now.Ninan knew that the two of them couldn’t go back to the past,and she didn’t want to drag Tom in her life.

Even though her parents had allowed her to choose a marriage partner freely, Nina still insisted on maintaining a friendship with Tom.

Tom said yes to this, but his heart was beating fast.

He knew that his love for Nina would never change nor fade.He just wanted to protect her in his own way.

At the same time, Harley knew nothing about what had happened in the past two days.

In order to fulfill his promise to Nina’s parents, he put most of his energy on his work.

Relying on Jasmine’s connections in the entertainment circle, Harley signed the contract and was ready to shoot the first short film with the crew as the assistant director.

However, as soon as the matter was settled, he was bombarded by Carlee’s phone call.

Looking at the dozens of missed calls on his phone, Harley was beyond upset.

He called back later on but before he could ask,he heard his mother shouting over the phone.

“Harley, what does this mean?Did you forget that I am your mother? Will you not care even if I die in front of you?”

Getting used to Carlee’s domineering manner, Harley remained calm..

“Mom,stop it.I’ve just signed a contract with the crew and I’m going to shoot an online play in another city. It will take about a month…”

Before he could finish his words, Carlee found that his son was being indifferent, so she interrupted him angrily.

drama? Are you still in the mood to shoot? Your mother is almost beaten to death. The Paul family hit

a conflict with his mother, Harley was

Coincidentally, Sylvia was also discharged from the

to buy some food.Sylvia and Carlee chatted with each other while waiting for Harley to get

have asked someone to teach the Paul family

applied medicine to Carlee’s wound.Her voice was low

face froze.She frowned and asked, “What happened? Did

were knocked down by a motorcycle that night, her ex-boyfriend appeared.He saved them and sent them to

happened, Carlee was furious and gritted her teeth as she said angrily, “Bitch! She took advantage of

talking, Harley arrived at home with all kinds of medicines in

and saw the two women sitting on

who had just been discharged from the hospital, looked weak while Carlee, who was sitting next to her, had bruises all over her


all,she was his mother.Harley stared at her for two seconds and couldn’t calm

the reason why Carlee was badly

least according to his understanding of Nina and her parents, he knew that they

he could finish her words, Carlee saw that he was back.She immediately used

justice for me, your mother! Look at what the

his mother was full of grievance, Harley looked at her and asked, “Why


I went to the Paul family to visit my granddaughter.I wanted to talk to Nina about your affairs, but she hit me when she saw me and her parents

and only

her mother’s words, Harley thought it

knew Nina very well.Besides, Nina’s parents were not

to visit her

asked, Carlee wouldn’t tell him the truth easily.Harley just didn’t want to make a huge chaos out

be angry anymore.

or five

to use

to avoid a dispute with his mother, Harley kept

course not.I will spare some time to ask Nina, then I will give

comforted her mother gently and informed her again that he

while, Harley decided to say goodbye to Nina and knew already what really

what the two sides said could he

door, but there was

“Where did they go?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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