Chapter 910 don’t be too selfish

Harley’s voice was pleasant to hear.It was gentle and pure,as if it had a magic that could make people unconsciously smile.

Nina held the phone and smiled.She wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say.

After a pause, she politely refused, “No, thanks.I have some savings and my parents can help me.”

“That’s two things.No matter what happens in the future, I’m still the father of our daugther.”

Harley replied indifferently.He knew that Nina still had a grudge against him.

Taking advantage of this phone call, Harley hoped that he could get back together with Nina once he got back, so he tentatively expressed his stand.

“Nina, do you know why I went out to shoot here?”Harley asked in a low voice.

“To make more money?”Nina asked.

“Not entirely for making money.”

Harley denied and explained in a low voice, “In fact, I want to stay away from Sylvia.Anyway, she has lost her baby now.It doesn’t matter who is the father of the baby anymore.”

He was very honest with Nina.He wanted her to understand that he had never cared about Sylvia, including the unborn child. Let alone Harley, who thought that he had never touched Sylvia.

“Is that all?”Nina asked.

In her opinion, even if Sylvia lost her baby,it didn’t mean that it had nothing to do with Harley.

At least that event could not just be erased and forgotten.

“I didn’t mean that.I just want us to look forward.”

Harley was always worried that if he said something wrong,it would affect the sensitive and fragile emotion of Nina.

“Well, maybe you are right…”

a quarrel with Harley,so she skipped the

the phone for more than 10 minutes.After hanging up,Nina began to

same time, she couldn’t deny that she was

them seemed to be unable to get back to the past. To

around, she saw Tom walking towards

Nina felt guilty and quickly

cared for Tom and didn’t want him to know that Harley had just

didn’t just treat

which made Nina feel that she owed him an irreparable debt

on Nina’s parents had almost healed. The doctor had examined the couple and

recovery of her parents finally relieved the


day,Nina put her daughter in the ward and was about to go home to have a simple cleaning but she saw Harley

back next week.Can I

request of Harley, Nina hesitated whether she

had never told Harley


few seconds, she

Nina agreed, Harley’s voice sounded more

of her last night.She was sleeping

you a gift.I’ll give it to you in two or three days at the latest.I hope you

that Harley even bought her a gift,

you.I’ll call you back when I get it.”She

didn’t fully get back together with Nina,he

short conversation, Nina put the phone back in her bag and continued to walk

step forward,she found a young girl

the young girl’s figure and appearance, Nina felt that she looked

“Lily?”She murmured to herself.

time, Lily’s attention was also attracted by the eyes of

“Ms.Gibson,what a coincidence!”

greeted, but there was undisguised hostility

Lily went to the hospital to find Tom,but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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