Chapter 911 rescue

Nina didn’t know how to reply.In fact,no matter what she said,it was useless at this moment.

When her parents had been hospitalized,Nina didn’t want to bother Tom to help her every day so she contacted a nurse in the hospital.

However, Tom strongly opposed, and asked Nina to treat him as a nursing worker instead.

At the same time, Tom insisted on not accepting any money and kept his current situation a secret.

Seeing the obscure expression in Nina’s eyes, Lily pursed her lips and spared no effort to satirize, “Are you speechless? Are you sorry for Tom?”

Nina pursed her lips and explained calmly, “Tom and I are friends.The relationship between us is not as complicated as you think.”

“Forget it. Your excuses are ridiculous!”

Lily sneered and reminded Nina in a cold voice, “if you don’t love him, don’t use him. He has been dragged down by you for so many years.Isn’t it enough?”

Speaking of Tom’s career,Nina still remembered that he worked hard in the University.He had vision,ambition,and leadership.

At that time,a classmate teased him with the nickname”Boss Warren”.Unfortunately, after so many years, Tom had actually lived in a dilapidated house in the suburb.

“Yes, I did delay him…”Nina didn’t deny it.

Hearing the voice of Nina, Lily’s disgust deepened.

“So, if you still have any humanity left, please don’t stay in a relationship with Harley on one hand and have an ambiguous relationship with Tom on the other!”

Lily raised her eyebrows and became more aggressive.

“Besides, Tom never owes you anything.Why do you treat him as a servant in the hospital?”

“I came here today to persuade him to leave and let him see your true face!I will keep a distance from you in the future!”

Lily said in an aggrieved tone and attempted to enter the in- patient building.

had changed their opinions on Tom, Nina didn’t want her friendship with Tom be

not in

and told her indifferently, “He went out to buy something.If you want to

that he was not in the hospital, she

sudden, Lily’s face turned red with anger and she cursed with

You are shameless!Are you

In her eyes,Nina

blink of an eye,Nina

and family members coming and going were discussing, thinking that Nina was a

the strange gazes of the passers-by

been brought up in a well-educated family, so she

was offended by Lily again and again, Nina

use his money.He went out to buy

you seem so agitated.I don’t know if it’s because of desire or long-term wishful thinking

that Nina would retort.She frowned


soon as she finished speaking, she raised her hand and wanted to slap

aside in time.She felt that Lily

irritated Lily.She breathed heavily and thumped

figure appeared

grabbed Lily’s arm and easily

sharp pain in her heart and immediately became

“Ouch!Let me go!”


her head and stared at the man, and her dark and sharp

“Who are you?”

know Murray.She just felt that except

“Mind your

finished speaking, Melissa came to Nina and asked

lot of conflicts.Melissa thought that Harley had been entangled with

name is Lily.She is a friend of Tom.”Nina explained

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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