Chapter 917 fighting for custody

She had asked herself the same question,but there was no answer.

In other words, she didn’t want to have any conflict with the mother of Harley,no matter what was the truth.

Even if the three of them moved out of the villa,so what?

As usual,Carlee could come to her house to find fault with her.She could do whatever she wanted to do,even to the point of death.

And Sylvia

The headache made Nina frown.She didn’t want to be tortured by these troubles again.

Noticing that she didn’t respond, Harley asked impatiently, “Now your boyfriend is Tom? Are you sure?”

He hoped that the answer would be No.

If Nina really returned to Tom’s arms, he would have no place in her life..

“We’re just friends.”

As for the suspicion of Harley, Nina directly pointed out the relationship between her and Tom.

However, her words caused a sneer from Harley.


He didn’t believe it and hated the ambiguous attitude of Nina.

“If you are friends, what am I to you?”

His eyes became deeper and his words were domineering.

Nina avoided his burning gaze and said calmly, “You are the father of True.”

When he heard Nina again, Harley was irritated.

“I don’t want to hear your irrelevant answer, You are escaping because you are guilty!”

The voice of Harley was suddenly raised, which startled the neighboring table.The waiter also looked over.

But he didn’t mind at all.He glared at Nina and asked, “You are back together,right?I only want your answer!”


Nina quickly denied.

buzzing, and the anger in Harley’s

Harley’s anger subsided and his tense face relaxed

but stopped

talking about

him, Nina thought of the negative news about Harley and worried that his

“Harley, don’t speak too loudly.Everyone is

don’t care how

seem to care about

Nina had no choice

photos of you getting drunk in the bar and they wrote you indecently.Can’t

of Harley, but he didn’t

restrain myself?I’m so upset so I

face.He smiled with self mockery and said, “Anyway, my efforts are meaningless. It’s better

Nina felt

you be decadent.No matter what happens between us, you don’t have to punish yourself this

think too much. What kind of punishment is

comfort of Nina upset

a sudden,a nameless anger rose in

If you get back with your ex- boyfriend,give

this idea, Nina was a

about?Tom and I

is still young.I should take care of her.I can’t give my

Nina would be so firm

furious. With red eyes, he said word by word, “Whatever you say, I will negotiate with you about the custody of our

them didn’t compromise and had a fierce


The Gibson family.

taken back by the nannies,the condition of Melissa obviously changed a lot.Even the doctor didn’t urge her to take medicine at ordinary times,but she paid more attention

Murray saw the affectionate look on her face and the fact that she was taking care of two stranger children, he felt

and the two kids have come back.Should we help?”Melissa also learned to hold a baby

refuse.He wanted

feel that you are so indifferent to our child?”

children is deep.”Murray found an excuse and muddled


it’s better not to carry them yet.After all, the two children have just recovered from a serious illness and need more rest. We can do it again when

clothes and was about to feed

to stop her.”What are you

The nannies also laughed.

baby.They must drink my milk to be healthy.”Melissa’s

Murray couldn’t accept

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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