Chapter 918 birthmark

Melissa thanked the doctor several times before leaving.

“I have been affected a lot by the appearance of my children these days.I decided to leave the company to concentrate on taking care of them.”Melissa said in the car.

It was unimaginable for him see her leave from work.

After all, this company was founded by Melissa, and everyone had put a lot of effort into it.

“Didn’t you say that you couldn’t let anyone affect your work?”Murray asked.

Melissa patted him on the shoulder and said, “The company can be rebuilt,not to mention that it is handed over to you instead.I’m relieved to let you do it.”

“I want to spend more time with our children.”

Murray didn’t know whether he should say yes or no.

“Your company is different from mine, so it will take some time for the two companies to merge together. You can make the statistics first and then merge them.”

Murray didn’t want anything to go wrong.

“That’s okay.I’m not in a hurry anyway.”

When the two of them returned home, they saw a row of cars parked at the door. From the license plate number, Murray could recognize that this was Mr.Marc’s car.

Therefore, he tightly protected Melissa behind him and became vigilant.

As soon as Marc got out of the car,Melissa’s face immediately changed.

“What are you doing here?”Murray questioned.

“My grandchildren have been discharged from the hospital.How can I not come to see them?”

Murray frowned.He had kept it a secret.No one else knew that except his family and Vivian.

It seemed that Mr.Marc didn’t stop monitoring him.

“The two kids were asleep. You can go back now.”

didn’t want anyone to disturb their

you want me to see the children?”Mr.Marc turned to Melissa

didn’t even have glance at him

to see them, you can make a visit on another day.”Murray found an excuse

Marc didn’t accept it at all.He didn’t listen to any explanation from Murray and went

to go to the baby’s room

are really asleep.Don’t disturb them

sleeping soundly, so no one else

register for the two children.Melissa couldn’t stop him, so she had no choice but to let him

Marc preferred children,so he wouldn’t have

two kids different from what


and explained, “Of course the children have to learn to be different when they are first born, not

change is,it won’t be all over

vigilant. He had never cared about the birthmarks on the

wrong children?These two children. do not have birthmarks.”Melissa also

children had been under the gaze of Murray since they were born. There was no possibility

did see the birthmarks on the two children.Why are they

when she was a child.But she thought it was too hasty and ugly, so

examined the two children again.”I didn’t think that the birthmarks could


could they be different?There was no way that they were

Marc, took the two

Marc was still worried and wanted to

impossible.I was watching them very well at that time.How about we go to the hospital and take photos of every child when they are born?

realized that he didn’t care too much about Melissa’s emotions at

Marc was

have a

to see if there

They had no choice but to take the two of them back to the

sent a message to the

the incubator and looked at the children lying inside, Mr

it there at

soon as he finished speaking, the doctor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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