Chapter 919 settle accounts

The doctor came out and took a photo of their baby.

Murray looked at the two photos carefully and found that there were indeed birthmarks.

And the two birthmarks were on their left shoulder.

“Can these two birthmarks be removed?” He didn’t think too much when he brought the children there.If he exchanged the two children again after his children recovered, he was afraid that Melissa would find out the truth.

“Birthmarks are inborn.They can only be removed after they grow up.Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to be erased”

The doctor’s words gave Murray more legitimate reasons.

But if Melissa found out this, the consequences would be unimaginable.He couldn’t even imagine what would happen.

“Mr.Gibson, you can now get the baby girl,but you’d better wait for the baby boy.”The condition of the female baby had reached the discharge standard,but the condition of the male baby was still under observation.

Murray shook his head and said, “Never mind.I will wait until they could be both discharged”

After leaving the hospital,Murray went straight back to his company.He was thinking about how to distract Melissa’s attention and make her pay all her attention to the company,so that it would be convenient for him to take the babies back.

In the villa

“Ma’am someone is hereHe said he came to see you.”The nanny came over with the child in her arms and asked for Melissa’s permission.

Melissa frowned when she heard the name.The scene of her falling down flashed through her mind.

she could forget it,but it was brought up again and again, which made her really unable

“Let her wait downstairs.”

they had come to find her, they could only settle the

a lot of things of which were

and saw these things,a touch of disgust flashed through her

don’t need

hope for her to come here, but

I’m Vivian’s mother-in- law.Even if you don’t want to do it for

ferociously.”Mrs.Dewer,I have never forgotten what happened before.If it weren’t for you, my baby wouldn’t have been born prematurely, and I wouldn’t have become

with her, trying

can forgive me!”Sileas seemed to be more sincere than

Melissa didn’t want to believe it at

stubborn, I don’t want to embarrass you.I don’t want to show

at her

doesn’t want to talk to me anymore, and my son had moved away.I’m alone now.If I can’t do it

feel sorry for

company’s shares.Now I’m the biggest partner of your company, right?”Melissa

became vigilant.”What do you want to

been in a state of loss in recent years.If it goes on like this, I’m afraid it’s

to her own interests.Melissa valued her more than

also related to your interests. Now we are in the same boat!”Sileas looked at Melissa with fear.She felt that there was something hidden in her eyes that was very vicious and couldn’t even get any

her phone and dialed a number.”Sell all my shares in the Dewar

to exchange it for cash, wouldn’t it kill

was not good.How could she have so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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