Chapter 929 the secret of Melissa

If she couldn’t get Marc,then she had someone else.

“Don’t play tricks on me. Don’t think that I am unaware of what you want to do.It’s our job to secure our children’s futureAs for you, I’ve told Murray to let you stay at home and behave yourself.If you dare to make any trouble again,don’t blame me for being ruthless to you.”Marc snorted and went upstairs with crutches on.

Melissa sat on the sofa alone.She didn’t know who to vent her anger

She called her sister.

“I heard that you left.Don’t you want to see the children?”she asked directly.

“Why didn’t you tell me the news earlier?”

“I thought you would complain,so I didn’t answer you,”she answered.

The girl on the other end of the line asked for her address.

At the same time, Murray was still in the hospital and picked up the four children and went home. Their home.

The four nannies were also there to take care of them along with him.

Looking around at the layout and decoration of the house,the first thing that came to their mind was that the house didn’t seem to have been bought for a long time,but no one had ever lived in it.

Jill and Anthony’s room was upstairs, and they also lived here with the children.However,Anthony was usually busy with his work and couldn’t see anyone.

Murray called Melissa again,only to find that his call was still unanswered by her.

already since they didn’t receive news about Melissa.Even if there was an accident,there should be news about it unlike now.It was as if

back now.After all,you still have your own life.”Jill was also very polite,completely treating him

duty to take

kids after they were discharged from the hospital.”Although

sofa, Murray looked out of the window and took

the second floor,Jill asked, “When

anything, there

The workers outside carried luggage downstairs one by

stepped forward and stopped the


crazy?You can’t live here.”Jill had expected that

knew how to be active in front of

children to live here,and she didn’t say that she wouldn’t let me live here. From a legal point of view, we are still

Jill’s jaw drop.She could only watch as they moved his

room was filled with

almost dropped her

Melissa won’t get even with you after

there.”Murray replied briefly and began to pack up.In the afternoon, the house that originally belonged to Melissa had been changed

Melissa wasn’t there, the four nannies didn’t dare

her two hands and sat on the

head with a smile.”I won’t be so careless or reckless. You can live

gave her a thumbs

care of the children in the daytime and observed the

of weight in

standing by the door, was a little moved. She leaned against the door and looked at Murray, who was changing diapers and washing milk bottles.She said to Anthony,”That would be you in the future.” Anthony rolled his eyes at her.”Of course, we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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