Chapter 930 Claire Gibson

Melissa didn’t have a good relationship with her parents.Shehadn’t

been in touch with them for more than ten years already.Melissa hadn’t told her about this before!

How could they get in touch with each other recently?How many secrets were there?That she didn’t know?

“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?Why did you hide it from me?”Jill felt like a fool.

Anthony never thought that Jill would react this way.”I didn’t tell you because Melissa told me not to tell anyone.”

Before everything would come to an end, they should know that the secret should remain a secret for Melissa.

Jill seemed to have thought it through and nodded.

“When will you come back then?”She asked.

Anthony shook his head and said, “I just know where she went.I don’t know when she will come back.”

Anyway,the whereabouts of Melissa were confidential.Melissa didn’t tell anyone else. This time,she had made up her mind to deal with her parents’matters.

Jill sat on the bed with her hands outstretched.She sighed to herselff and said,”Fortunately, Murray doesn’t know about this. He doesn’t have to come to us later.”

If Murray knew where Melissa was, their family would have a world war.

It was better to keep it a secret.

knock on the door outside. Jill opened the curtain in confusion and saw Claire standing at the door. She was surprised.Except for them,no one else knew why Claire

in her mind, Jill went downstairs to open the

my sister-in-law?I remember seeing you.I’m here to see the

the coffee table and looked around.”Where are the

he walked out of his room. When he saw the figure

He held her arm and said affectionately,”Of course, I’m here to see the kids. Don’t I have

shook his head and led her

Take it easy. Don’t frighten them,”Murray

felt that there was something wrong.She had a strong feeling that Claire was not there just to see the children. There was something more.So, she followed them

your sister-in-law’s children?”Claire was held up. One of the children was gently coaxing her,looking very

snorted and didn’t explain too

help but hold the four kids one by one

told you that we are here?” Jill asked

face darkened.”I am here to pay a

waved at Jill and

recently. Why didn’t you come to the hospital for the surgery when your sister-in-law gave birth to the baby? Now,the baby is safe,but you

a good person. Since she came here

looked at Murray at the door. Then,she explained slowly, “I just don’t want to disturb my sister-in-law.I know she had been through a lot when she was giving birth.So,I decided

heart.If Melissa didn’t come here in a hurry,she was afraid that Murray couldn’t stand such a green

like kids,you can stay here for a few more

this. She didn’t know why Murray would

pushed Murray and winked at him. The two of

you crazy?How could you invite her?What if Melissa comes back?”As expected,men were not good when it came to judgment. Murray couldn’t even tell that Claire had another

be a great help since you are the only one who takes care of the four children when Melissa is not at home.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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