Chapter 936 Reconcile

Now,there were only them in the room.

“This is my home. How can you move your things here and allow outsiders to live here?How can you act as if you are the owner of the house while I am out?Don’t you know that I’m a neat freak?”Melissa began to express her anger towards Murray.

“I am sorry.I am just trying to win you back.”It was only in front of Melissa that Murray would bow his head and apologize like a child.

It was only Melissa who could make him succumb like a child.

“I cannot believe that you allowed an outsider here in the house.Don’t you know that I only leave my child to someone I can trust?.”

Melissa said in a firm voice towards again.

“I’m sorry.I know I should have thought of my actions.Can you forgive me?”


Melissa refused ruthlessly.

Murray grabbed her arm and sincerely apologized. “It’s my fault to think about the baby.I’ve gone too far,but I really want to think about your health.”

He had always put Melissa’s health first before the baby was born. Nothing was more important than her health for him.

“The luckiest person in the world lied to me. That’s what I can’t stand,”Melissa repeated.

promise there will be no lies.I will

depends on what

and gave

cherished this opportunity very much. He knew that he had to impress Melissa to win her

parents sick??”He noticed that they were at the

nodded slightly. He had to make it

possibility that my father will be cured by the advanced stage of uremia. He can only be cured by medicine.I don’t think it will take too much time in the future, so I decided to

then did Murray realize that she had disappeared

Melissa into his arms and comforted her gently, “What’s the matter?We can face it

like a promise

door and imagining this scene,she was

cleared his throat deliberately

the room quickly separated.Melissa looked at him with embarrassment and asked, “Are you

laughing. Melissa was still the

first time that her parents formally met

very enthusiastic. He took the initiative to push the wheelchair

of Murray’s gesture.Seeing that such a handsome and rich boy treated their

to be good to each other than anyone

the table. This was the first time they had a

Melissae looked very happy.

rest. Melissa was sitting on the swing in the yard and admiring the

any other disease,she might be able to cure

contact the experts of other hospitals tomorrow and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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