Chapter 937 Go to work in Melissa’s company

Even if she wouldn’do well. She would always have food on her plate,clothing and everything his daughter wanted.She didn’t have to complain about the life she had.

Claire was displeased to hear that.”I studied abroad and came back.It’s better for me to learn some skills from Murray than to work in other places.”

Her father was lost in thought.Claire stood beside him,holding his arm like a spoiled child.

After all, he had only one daughter,so he naturally didn’t want to see his daughter unhappy,so he finally agreed.

The next day,after Uncle Gibson returned to the company,he went directly to the office of Murray,intending to discuss with him about his daughter’s plan of working in the company..

“Knock,knock,knock!”Uncle Gibson was polite, which made Murray admire him.

“Come in.”

Uncle Gibson looked atMurray who was sitting in front of him. He said apologetically, “Your cousin has been back for a long time. It’s not a big deal. Why don’t you find her a job in our own company and make her better under our watch?”

This was the first time that Uncle Gibson had turned to Murray for help in such a long time. He never approached him about other things. Just this one.

Murray let out a long sigh and looked at Uncle Gibson.”I know that she is your only daughter,but the major she studied and the business of our company are not related to the company of Melissa. So, rather than let her work in a major she is not familiar with,it’s better to let her work in her own suitable field.”

Uncle Gibson also thought it made sense, but he didn’t have much interaction with Melissa.It would be inappropriate for him to go directly to her company.

turned to Murray for

straightforward and

Murray immediately called Melissa.

my company. Are you sure that Claire will agree?”On the other end of the phone, Melissa didn’t refuse the idea of having Claire in her company.Instead, she thought that Claire had planned to go to the Murray

a position for her in your company?” Melissa burst into laughter when


her father, Claire came to the company. When she happened to see Murray coming out of the elevator,she immediately ran to

I can

looked at herindifferently and patted her on the shoulder.”I’ve told your father to let you work in the company of Melissa.

argue with him, but Murray was already gone when she recovered

vent her

did you ask

could only persuade her aside,and his

a member of our family.I do not thing there is anything wrong if you

She had planned to take advantage of the opportunity to work in the same company with

there was

won’t go to her company.I

thought of Melissa’s face,Claire,disgusted

your turn to negotiate. You are not in the position to do that. It’s not easy for you to get a job.”He was angry to see his daughter’s sad

held her in his heart because he was afraid that something bad would happen in the future. He wanted to give everything that she wanted until today. He didn’t realize that he had been spoiling and tolerating her. He could overlook what had happened before,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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