Chapter 944 it’s not easy to destroy her

“Can you go home with Mrs. Timothy?”

Melissa looked at him and asked.

The little boy turned his head and looked at his mother. Then he walked to his mother,held her hand and asked,””Are you fine,mom?”

Looking at his timid face, Melissa couldn’t help but sigh.She kept staring at his face and thought something.

It would be so hard to survive if someday something happened to the little boy. She wouldn’t be able to live,and she knew Claire meant the same to Uncle Gibson so how could she do that to another parent?

“Let’s find a place to sit down.”

Melissa looked at them pitifully and took them to a nearby cafe.

They sat together.Melissa instantly ordered a cake and a cup of drink for the little boy. The woman couldn’t imagine how considerate Melissa was.

“Sometimes I feel how everyone wants to get rid of us. Nobody has ever cared about our family,except for our own children.

Maybe their father takes care of us sometimes but the rest of the people have never considered us equals. They are just people who ride on after sitting on someone else’s back.”

Tears were falling down her cheeks and she wiped them from the back of her palm. The woman was so sad and her voice was trembling.

Meanwhile the little boy ate in silence.

“The main reason to bring you here is the fact that you won’t get scared and eventually answer my every question truthfully.

Has any stranger come to you in the last few days?The most important thing right now is to take care of the child’s father.”Melissa waited for her reply.

things and then remembered how she kept trying to reach the father of the child but her efforts went in vain.So she quickly shook her

I am still giving him the benefit of doubt

rose garden like other people.As our child started going to school,the fees were relatively high. We aren’t the

whatever she was thinking was absolutely right..She guessed that if Claire hadn’t given them some benefits,her husband wouldn’t

received any extra money recently?”Melissa asked her

nervous. Just tell me the truth.Whatever little you know,tell me.In return I will help you out

you will never want your child to be associated with a man who is in prison.It will

could understand this feeling the most,so she knew what drastic change will bring that in the child’s

his mother sincerely,his eyes

large deposit in my account a few days ago,but my child’s father said that the money was transferred

asked again,”do you remember your

to the company’s staff and in a few seconds she got to

that Claire has

money was transferred from Carlo's Account, and no one had used

sure what you told me is the truth?”Melissa

anyone as it was about her own

person.I’m willing to tell you that there is indeed sum of money in my account,

the recording function

she dropped the woman and the boy back to where they

husband lived in

would choose such

Melissa thought about it,the

get the evidence. The main task was


current situation, she was sure that Claire would give the opposite statement.As her main motive was

was sighing as she had a headache while thinking how much monetary loss Claire had done

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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