Chapter 945 Claire Gibson woke up

After leaving the police station, Melissa went straight back to home and found that all the lights of the living room were on.

She instantly looked at her wrist watch.It was too late.Initially she was confused, with a baffled expression she walked into it.

“Who is it?”She said in a slow tone.

No one answered her back. The moment she was about to turn,she saw Murray sitting there with a child in his arms.

Her eyes turned to his right side and saw he was happily chatting with her parents.

Being unaware of his presence at her house, Melissa shook her head in disappointment.A few hours back, he didn’t believe her despite knowing her for so long.

So she greeted her parents and went upstairs.

Seeing the coldness in her behavior towards Murray,her mother deliberately stopped her.

“Wait a minute, Melissa.”

Melissa turned around and saw that her mother had taken the child from Murray,and her father had been winking at Murray.

“Murray,I have something to tell you.”

Melissa said and directly went upstairs..

Without replying to her, Murray followed her.

“”Before you speak anything,let me tell you that I didn’t mean anything that happened in the hospital.Of Course,I apologize for the fact that I misunderstood you but it’s because it happened so suddenly and I didn’t know the truth.”Murray instantly explained himself.

Melissa thought it was ridiculous.

“Fine!I agreed that you misunderstood me.But give me one fine reason why you think that I can hurt your family?Don’t you know me well?”

As for what happened today, Melissa knew that everyone had a reason to doubt her,except Murray.

other. Even though they faced so many difficulties together.Melissa never thought that the trust they had on each other was so delicate that it will shake

wrong.I hurt you unintentionally.But try to understand at that moment I

whole matter.”Murray walked up

it might be a small thing for Murray,for her it was


she left their master bedroom,and went back to the baby’s room and tried

heard everything due to their high pitch and reluctance of the surrounding.At that

solve this issue between them. They need to communicate,.”Her

got.She got frustrated. The person who was responsible behind all

whole fiasco. She was already receiving many complaints from the directors. She was also agitated but she didn’t know how to vent out her

believing or comforting her


two of them had cleared their misunderstanding and were living happily with their four

In the hospital

was standing outside the ICU.He took a deep breath as doctors weren’t

thought carefully about how he raised Claire.In the past

time.Seeing her in such a vulnerable state

glass, he saw that Claire was sleeping soundly as if she was so tired and got a chance to rest,but when he saw his daughter was

was not only inserted in Claire

rest at home. She drove to work as soon as possible and went straight to

lights in the company were switched on.It was one

covered with thick dark circles, looking very tired. And this

of public relations files, and all colleagues of

sighed, “you must be tired. How’s it

received countless anonymous reports, and each of

her heart, Melissa expected

company for these anonymous letters,and close all the comments of the company’s social media accounts and from all the posts on

relations department was the first one to stand out and refuse Melissa.”Boss, we didn’t do anything wrong.If we do

these two days is to avoid such a situation.At present, we are only allowed to stay

industry the company’s reputation depends on the public opinion. They aren’t afraid that some other company will suppress them, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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