My Baby's Daddy

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 An Invitation to the Jewelry Fair

At the thought of that, Hayley reached for her phone and dialed Elliot’s number.

“Hello, does it still hurt?”

“Elliot, I want to attend a jewelry fair. Can you take me there?” Hayley implored.

“What jewelry fair?”

“Let me show you a video.” Hayley hung up the call and forwarded the video to Elliot shortly before she received a text message that briefly read, ‘Alright, I’ll take you there.’

Hayley exclaimed in excitement but accidentally hurt her swollen cheek in the process. As she hissed in pain, she began to curse Anastasia once again. “You’re a b*tch, Anastasia! You’re a jewelry designer, yet you can’t even attend a high-class jewelry fair like this one.”

On the other hand, Anastasia stumbled across the same video about the jewelry fair in her office and learned from the others who were invited that there were formal dress codes required for the occasion; otherwise, access would be denied. Due to that, she became worried, not knowing what she should do because she couldn’t afford to rent a decent-looking banquet dress.

Just when Anastasia was worrying about her dress code for the jewelry fair, her train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a phone call, which turned out to be an unidentified number. Nonetheless, she answered the phone and asked, “Hello.”

Store to inform you that our customer has just reserved a banquet dress for you. Would you be free to drop by and

me?” Anastasia was stunned but quickly knew that it was Nigel who did it for

of that guy! Anastasia reached for her phone and sent the man a text message with a

mention it. I hope you love it!’ Nigel replied

a one-hour leave later that afternoon because she realized the clothing store was just a stone’s throw away from her office. Since FH Clothing Store was an international brand, its outlet often became the place where many socialites visited and shopped. As soon as Anastasia entered the shop, she was greeted by the shop owner herself. “Please come

for her arrival. Oh my gosh! This

she heard the shop owner explaining more about the dress with a

heard what the shop owner said. Is Nigel trying to give me a heart attack or something? This dress is certainly not cheap at all! A few diamond beads are more than enough to make me go bankrupt, so just imagine if I lose

Tillman. Furthermore, I think it suits you pretty well.” The shop owner showed her approval by praising Anastasia’s beauty despite her current ordinary

it on.” She decided to stop being coy, thinking

clothing store again the next day around 4 PM as the make-up artists

his grandfather to come over, she called Francis and arranged the plan with him. Needless to say, Francis agreed to take care of Jared while Anastasia was away, telling her that he would take the child with him for some fancy meal and spend the night together with him. It was only after the arrangement was made that Anastasia could finally put her mind to ease about her

through the window as the white curtains billowed with it. The peaceful and tranquil vibe lasted until it was 3.30 PM when

at the clothing store where the shop owner had prepared everything for her. Then, one of the make-up artists sized her up and commented on her appearance in a surprised manner. “Miss Tillman, you have perfect skin, like there are no pores on it at all. How do you maintain such good

the moisturizer that I usually apply on my son’s skin.” Anastasia pursed her lips and smiled while the two make-up artists instantly understood that she was born with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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